Fitness Routines - FitOn Lose weight, get fit and feel great anytime, anywhere with free on-demand fitness classes, personalized workout plans and guided meditations. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 16:14:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness Routines - FitOn 32 32 163018936 New Research Shows Just How Powerful Exercise is For Mental Health Mon, 07 Aug 2023 19:02:23 +0000 Unlock the power of exercise for mental resilience.

The post New Research Shows Just How Powerful Exercise is For Mental Health appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

The healing power of exercise has long been known, but new research suggests that it may be even more effective than previously understood. According to researchers at the University of South Australia, physical activity holds profound effects for managing depression and supporting mental health. 

Read on to learn more about what this new groundbreaking research has shown and how this emerging understanding of exercise and mental health could revolutionize the way we approach holistic and sustainable approaches to supporting mental health.

Understanding The Research

Researchers at the University of South Australia have found that “physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counseling or the leading medications.” They found that physical activity is profoundly beneficial for improving symptoms of distress, depression, and anxiety. 

They also found that exercise interventions that were 12 weeks or shorter happened to be the most effective when it came to reducing mental health symptoms. This new research highlights just how quickly exercise can make a difference when it comes to mental health.  

When it comes to the best type of exercise for mental health, this new research showed that higher-intensity exercise was most beneficial for anxiety and depression. It also showed that longer durations had less effect than short and mid-duration bursts of physical activity. However, all types of exercise were found to be beneficial. 

These findings are highly encouraging, demonstrating that it doesn’t take hours at the gym to make a difference. Short, high-intensity workouts are extremely beneficial for supporting mental health! 

What We Can Learn From This New Research

Knowing that significant mental health improvements can be seen with little time and in just 12 short weeks is incredible and gives us yet another reason to add physical activity into our daily lives. And, with millions of people worldwide dealing with a mental health condition, this is valuable information that can make a difference for both physical and mental health. 

The researchers at the University of South Australia are now calling for exercise to be used as a “mainstay approach for managing depression.” 

Prioritizing Exercise For Mental Health 

The bottom line is that the research around the benefits of physical activity for mental health is continuing to grow, highlighting just how much exercise can do for us both physically and mentally. 

Regular physical activity should be prioritized and incorporated into any healthy lifestyle, as the benefits are just too powerful to ignore. If you’re ready to start your own fitness journey, get started with FitOn today. With thousands of workouts and meditations, you’ll find classes you can take no matter how much time you have. 

*Always speak with your doctor about specific questions related to your individual health needs and to come up with an individualized plan to address any specific concerns related to your physical or mental health.

The post New Research Shows Just How Powerful Exercise is For Mental Health appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

What is Exercise Snacking + 5 Reasons You Need to Try It Mon, 07 Aug 2023 17:00:33 +0000 This may be the ultimate way to fit movement into the busiest days.

The post What is Exercise Snacking + 5 Reasons You Need to Try It appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular exercise routine can feel challenging at times, especially when your to-do list is long, and your schedule is jam-packed. However, there’s a trendy approach to fitness that might just be the solution you’ve been looking for, and it’s known as “exercise snacking.” 

Similar to grabbing quick bites throughout the day to satisfy hunger when you don’t have time for a full meal, exercise snacking involves incorporating short bursts of physical activity into your routine when a full workout just isn’t in the cards. Whether it’s a short walk, a sweaty HIIT sesh, a quick and calming yoga flow, or a FitOn strength workout, exercise snacking enables you to enjoy movement in smaller, more manageable portions — even on your busiest days.

How to Snack on Exercise 

If long workouts don’t fit into your current busy schedule, there’s good news — some research shows that short bursts of high-intensity interval training may offer similar results as those who do endurance workouts. What does this mean? Rather than dedicate a whole hour block to fitness each day, utilizing short bursts of exercise can help you yield comparable results without sacrificing your time or schedule.

Of course, exercise snacking will look different from person to person, depending on your unique fitness goals and needs. However, no matter your fitness level or exercise goals, the trick here is to be consistent!

Not sure where to start? Keep scrolling! We’ve got you covered with quick and effective FitOn workouts that serve as the perfect snack. Plus, with FitOn, you can try some of the variety we’ve built for you right in the “for you” tab or browse each workout category and choose workouts that you can fit into your busy schedule. Haven’t joined our community yet? Sign up for free and get access to unlimited workouts and meditations.

5 Benefits of Exercise Snacking 

Exercise snacking goes beyond the benefits of regular strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Intermittent exercise throughout your day will:

#1 Enhance Cognitive Function & Benefit Your Brain

Studies have shown that regular physical exercise improves cognitive function. This includes improved memory and focus, reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline, reduced risk of depression and anxiety, and even improved sleep. However, you don’t need to work out for hours on end to see the results! In fact, according to a study published in Neuropsychologia, you can see brain benefits within just 10 minutes!

So, by inserting short bursts of exercise into your day, you’re not only helping your brain to fire up and stay focused again in the moment, but you’re also gaining long-term benefits by improving cognitive health and an overall well-being. 

#2 Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

When it comes to weight loss, science shows that it doesn’t matter when you get in your workout, it just matters that you do it. Participants in this study all lost weight regardless if they did their workouts as one longer session or in multiple sessions per day. 

And if you’re still skeptical, there’s research to suggest that short bouts of exercise throughout the day not only yield similar benefits to longer workouts, but they also appear to have the most significant impact on reducing the risk for obesity.

#3 Reset Your Stress Levels

When you’re having one of those days, thinking about working out can feel like an additional layer of stress. We’ve all been there when we feel the clock ticking like we need to use every second towards checking off to-dos. However, short bursts of exercise can give you the relief you need to be able to push through a chaotic day, stay centered, and get everything done. Short bursts of exercise release endorphins, the feel-good hormone, put you back in the present moment and reduce levels of anxiety. Yes, please! Can we get a round of peace for the table, please? 

RELATED: A Holistic Psychologist’s Top 3 Self-Care Hacks For Anxiety 

#4 Give You The Perfect Pick-Me-Up

When you’re fatigued, exercising may not sound all that appealing. However, getting in a quick workout can actually give you the perfect energy boost. Even just ten minutes enhances blood flow and sends more nutrients to muscle tissue which gives your energy production an oomph. 

#5 Allow You to Live Your Life… and Maintain Your Fitness 

Most of us are busy crushing other goals outside of fitness. But that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your fitness goals! With exercise snacking, you can achieve the best of both worlds —  an amazing, full life and a strong, fit body. These short-duration bouts of movement allow you to do the things you love and get in the exercise that will help you look and feel your absolute best.

Quick “Snack” Workouts You’ll Love

Have 8 minutes to spare? Perfect. Grab your mat and prepare to work your entire body with Danielle Pascente! This quick HIIT workout will help you work up a sweat and boost your endorphins — the perfect way to boost your mood and combat energy slumps.

This as many rounds as possible workout with Danielle Pascente may sound daunting… but it’s just 14 minutes! Plus, you’ll target your total body, increase your heart rate and metabolic rate, and feel like you just put in an hour at the gym. Grab your dumbbells, roll out your mat, and hit play whenever you have 15 minutes of time during your busy day.

What if you could get a quick and effective workout without leaving your desk? Turns out, you can! This 10-minute barre-inspired workout with Sydney Belina is perfect when you want to burn and sculpt your arms with little time and little space — all you need is a chair!

If you’re spending 60 minutes doing cardio… try squeezing in 6 minutes! Yep, that’s all you need to rev your heart rate and boost your energy. This workout with Sydney Belina targets your total body and can be done anytime, anywhere!

Hungry For An Exercise Snack? Browse Our Pantry

Need some extra inspiration to get your exercise snack on? The FitOn app has a library full of quick, effective workouts. By fitting movement into your day where you can, you’ll cut down on commute time to the gym and keep your body guessing for optimal results.

The post What is Exercise Snacking + 5 Reasons You Need to Try It appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

15 Easy Daily Habits That Support Weight Loss Wed, 02 Aug 2023 17:00:50 +0000 These habit tweaks are so simple, they can seamlessly fit into even the busiest lifestyle.

The post 15 Easy Daily Habits That Support Weight Loss appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Getting started with any new goal or habit can feel daunting, and weight loss is no exception. In fact, weight loss can feel particularly overwhelming, especially when there’s so much mixed information circulating around the media and wellness industry. Many of these trends and “quick fix” diets are straight-up unhealthy (think: severe calorie restriction), not to mention the fact that these approaches to weight loss just aren’t sustainable. 

But, weight loss doesn’t have to be unapproachable, unhealthy, or costly (mentally or financially). In fact, by simply incorporating healthy lifestyle changes, your weight loss goals can be both attainable and sustainable. Enter our 15 simple daily tweaks that boost weight loss success!

While we’re not saying it’s going to be simple in the sense that it will happen overnight, these habits are easy-to-implement and can lead to long-term results! Plus, they’ll make you feel good — both mentally and physically. And isn’t that the goal? To feel your best? 

If your answer is yes, (which we’re willing to bet it is), read on for all you need to know.

15 Easy Daily Habits That May Help Support Weight Loss

#1 Start Your Day With a Workout

And it doesn’t have to be anything extreme! Maybe it’s a simple morning walk with your dog or a roll out of bed and roll out your mat kind of morning. Any morning movement that makes you feel your best! Not only will you be one step closer to your weight loss goals, but you’ll also kick off the day in an amazing way. You’ll feel more energized, motivated, and be more inclined to make healthier decisions throughout the day. Plus, if you knock out your workout first thing in the morning, you won’t risk the chance of getting too busy or tired to squeeze it in later. 

Plus, with the free FitOn app, you can find workouts to fit in with just 15, 20, or 30 minutes to spare. So, even if you only have a tiny bit of time to squeeze in a good workout, FitOn has you covered.

#2 Get More Sleep

No matter if you’re catching up on work or binging Netflix, skimping on sleep can be costly when it comes to your fitness and weight loss goals. We get it, life gets busy, and sometimes the evening feels like our only free time. But, staying up past your bedtime on a consistent basis can quickly contribute to unwanted pounds. Lack of sleep is associated with increased calorie intake, poor food choices, increased cortisol levels, and slowed metabolism

Studies have found that even just one week of only sleeping five hours per night could put you at an increased risk of weight gain. So, try to make sleep a priority, and get to bed earlier, if possible! A solid 7-8 hours of sleep per night could really support not only your weight loss goals but your overall health too!

#3 Drink More Water

Before you reach for a snack, check in with your body to see if you are thirsty. It’s not uncommon to mistake thirst for hunger. In fact, if you find yourself hungry soon after eating a nutritious meal, it may just mean that your body needs a little hydration. So, the next time those sugar cravings hit, reach for a glass of water instead of that sugary snack. Then, re-evaluate your hunger needs! Don’t feel hungry anymore? Chances are, your body was just craving a little hydration.

Food cravings aside, increased hydration has also been shown to boost your metabolism, further assisting your weight loss goals! In fact, increasing water by as little as 2 cups may induce thermogenesis and boost metabolic rate by 30%. So, sip up!

And if you’re not big on plain old water, there are other ways to meet your needs. Snack on water-rich foods like berries, sip on an herbal cup of tea, or quench your thirst with electrolyte-rich coconut water (perfect after a sweaty workout).

#4 Add Anti-inflammatory Spices to Your Food

Herbs like turmeric and cinnamon are some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices that can do wonders for your health — including reducing inflammation and supporting weight loss. According to research, these medicinal herbs can benefit everything from fat loss to increased metabolism, so go ahead and get heavy-handed with a sprinkle of spice! 

Cinnamon: The health benefits of cinnamon are just as sweet as its taste. Cinnamon has been shown to support blood sugar and metabolism, both of which are important when it comes to supporting weight loss success. 

Try sprinkling some metabolism-boosting cinnamon into your morning cup of coffee in place of sugary sweeteners.

Turmeric: Add this superfood to your drinks and dishes to support your goals. The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has been shown to aid weight loss. 

Try making a warming turmeric latte with unsweetened non-dairy milk, ground turmeric, a drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup, and a dash of black pepper. 

#5 Find Time to Unwind 

Constantly feeling stressed? It may be causing you to plateau — or even fall backward — with your weight loss goals. When we’re chronically stressed, our stress hormone cortisol remains elevated, which has been shown to increase hunger levels, and sugar cravings. If unmanaged, this chronic state of stress can easily harm our weight loss efforts!

So, make it a goal to practice some form of self-care daily. Even just ten minutes per day can do so much good for your overall health. Whether it’s meditation, therapy, journaling, breathing, or simply calling a friend, find a way to say goodbye to unwanted stress. In turn, you’ll help yourself say hello to your weight loss and fitness goals!

#6 Be Mindful

Bringing some mindfulness into your day can help support weight loss for more than one reason. For one, mindful eating is a great way to help you slow down, making it less likely you’ll overeat (more on that below). It’s also a great tool to use when making decisions on your food choices. Ask yourself — how will this food make me feel? Are these choices supporting my goals? Will this meal nourish my body? 

And remember how we talked about stress and weight gain? Well, mindfulness practices — such as meditation — can help reduce stress and support weight loss by calming your mind and body. This has been shown to reduce emotional eating while encouraging healthier food choices and intuitive eating.

#7 Add More Fats to Your Diet

Fats like avocados, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds are nutrient-dense options that can help nourish and fuel your body while also keeping you full in between meals. They are also ideal for better blood sugar balance and keeping your energy steady throughout the day. So, instead of reaching for something sugary when those mid-day cravings hit, try reaching for a handful of nuts and seeds or a sliced apple with some nut butter.

Here are some healthy fat sources to add to your shopping list:

  • Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts
  • Seeds such as chia, flax, and pumpkin seeds
  • Avocado 
  • Coconut
  • Fatty fish like salmon

RELATED: The Healthiest Fats You Can Eat Every Day

#8 Pack Your Lunch

Try packing your lunch instead of buying lunch out — this is such a simple but effective weight-loss tool! Even if you think you’re ordering a healthy menu item, many meals are full of sneaky ingredients like added sugar, sodium, and additives. Plus, by making your own lunch, you can be more mindful about adding more balance to your mid-day meal. To help keep you fueled and nourished through the rest of the day, try balancing your recipe with a lean protein, healthy fat, and complex carb source. 

RELATED: Packable Lunches You’ll Actually Love

#9 Make Veggies the Star of Your Plate

When you portion out your plate, start with veggies such as leafy greens or water-rich foods like tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and broccoli. Not only are these foods full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, but they’re also low in calories and rich in water. By making these foods the star of your plate, you’ll increase satiety and be more likely to fill up on good-for-you nutrients versus empty carbs or high-calorie foods.

RELATED: The Healthiest Dark Leafy Greens You Should Add to Your Diet

#10 Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Aisle 

The perimeter of the grocery aisle contains the healthiest options that are least processed and most nutrient-dense (think: produce like fruits and veggies, lean proteins, eggs, and dairy and dairy alternatives). By filling the bulk of your cart with these foods, you’re more likely to make healthier decisions when snacking or cooking at home.  

RELATED: Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips

#11 Snack on Protein-Rich Foods 

Snacking on protein-rich foods can balance blood sugar and increase satiety, meaning you’ll stay fuller for longer and be less likely to overindulge. And, not only is protein the most satiating macronutrient, but it also has metabolism-boosting benefits thanks to its high thermic effect

RELATED: Unlocking The Power of Protein: Your Secret Weapon For Sustainable Weight Loss

#12 Meal Prep

If your kitchen is filled with an abundance of healthy, nourishing meals that are ready to be eaten, you’ll be less inclined to hit the drive-through or order out. This can help you skip out on excess sugar and unhealthy fats found in fast food while helping you squeeze in some extra nutrients by controlling what foods go on your plate.

Need help getting started? Rely on our Ultimate Meal Prep Guide for the best hacks that will make meal prepping that much easier.  

#13 If Ordering Out, Make the Healthiest Choices on the Menu 

But if you are ordering out (or hitting the Starbucks drive-through), know how to navigate the menu to make the healthiest choices. Check out our tips on how to order the healthiest takeout foods according to a Dietitian

#14 Sit Down While Eating 

Are you guilty of eating in the car, on the go, or while standing up? Our society has become self-proclaimed multi-tasking experts. Research suggests eating on the go contributes to increased caloric intake later in the day. When possible, enjoy your meal sitting down, and do your best to avoid eating while distracted.  

#15 Portion Out Your Plate 

Although grazing may seem harmless, it’s easy to overdo it on your portion sizes if you’re snacking out of a bag or enjoying a spoonful – of ice cream, yogurt, etc. – here and there. Portioning out your plate or snacks will make it easier to be aware of portion size while also helping you tune into your hunger cues. 

Small Changes, Big Results 

While weight loss isn’t easy, there are certain daily habits that can help you reach your goals. So, try implementing these 15 daily habits to see how they can benefit your wellness journey. One healthy habit at a time is one step closer to reaching your goals! 

If you haven’t joined our community yet, sign up for free! With the FitOn app, you can find workouts to fit in with just 15, 20, or 30 minutes to spare, meditations to help you reduce stress, and with FitOn PRO, you’ll find personalized meal plans with foods you’ll love to eat! Sign up today and get started. 

The post 15 Easy Daily Habits That Support Weight Loss appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

9 Tips to Stay Safe When Working Out in The Summer Heat Sun, 09 Jul 2023 17:00:23 +0000 It’s hot out there — move mindfully!

The post 9 Tips to Stay Safe When Working Out in The Summer Heat appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Ready to break a sweat? The sun said “say no more.” If you’ve taken your workout outdoors, you know that you don’t have to do too much before the sweat starts beading on your forehead… and everywhere else, for that matter. However, as temperatures rise, it’s important to approach your workouts with caution and prioritize safety — even if you feel young, healthy, and invincible.

And while there’s nothing like enjoying some vitamin D and fresh air while you break a sweat, the heat can pose risks to anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. That said, we want you to have fun in the summer sun! And with a little mindfulness and know-how, you can do just that.

Ahead, your checklist for safe summertime workouts when it’s hot, hot, HOT, including recommendations from the Mayo Clinic and CDC. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting out, here are some essential tips to ensure your summertime workouts are enjoyable and safe.

Safe Summer Workouts: How Hot Is Too Hot? 

There’s a threshold for safe outdoor activity. Anything above 80ºF is considered a caution zone, but if it’s over 90ºF, your best bet is to cool it (literally) on the outdoor workouts until the temps drop. When the heat is at its peak, you’re better off sticking to something indoors with A/C. 

Heat Safety Tips For Outdoor Exercise

#1 Check the Forecast

Watch the temperature first and foremost, and be sure to monitor how hot your environment is. Also, keep humidity levels in mind; high humidity means less evaporation of sweat, which means your body’s innate cooling system can’t work properly. This can make the heat feel more intense and hinder the body’s ability to cool down through sweating. So, if it’s muggy, skip the beach run.

#2 Start Low and Slow

Before you jump into a 60-minute advanced HIIT workout in 90º weather at high noon in the middle of July, consider easing into warm-weather workouts. Consider opting for low impact, slower movement, shorter durations workouts like Pilates, or even a long walk! You can apply this rule to general workouts, too! More is not always more. Listen to your body!

#3 Be Mindful of Your Fitness Level & Limits

As always, it’s essential to listen to your body! If you’re just starting your fitness journey, you may want to be extra mindful — meaning working out before the hottest parts of the day, staying extra hydrated, working out with a friend, etc. It’s important to know your limits and always listen to your body. It’s not worth it to get yourself sick or injured over one sunny workout, alright? 

Note — beginner or not, anyone can get sick from heat (including heart stroke) through working out outside in hot temperatures. So no matter what your fitness level, take the necessary precautions to protect yourself during the summer heat!

#4 Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

This goes without saying, but drink more water. Extra water. All the water. And get electrolytes! These essential minerals help regulate fluid balance in the body, preventing hot weather risk factors like heat stroke and dehydration. Load up on hydrating beverages like raw coconut water, add Liquid IV/Cure packets to your water, or snack on water-rich foods

Try this simple DIY Electrolyte Drink to support your overall hydration:

Serves: 2 


  • ½ cup fresh lime juice 
  • 2 cups coconut water 
  • 2 tbsp honey 
  • ⅛ tsp pink Himalayan sea salt 
  • 1 serving of magnesium powder, optional 
  • Ice, to serve 


Step #1: Add all ingredients, minus the ice to a blender, and blend for about 10-20 seconds. 

Step #2: Pour into a glass over ice and enjoy!

#5 Time It Properly

Essentially no one benefits from midday sun workouts — so aim for earlier in the morning or closer to sunset. Not only is this better for your skin, but it’s easier on your body, too. Your workout will be more comfortable — and safer! Avoid that 10 am to 2 pm block – when the sun’s rays are strongest and most likely to cause damage – whenever possible. 

#6 Leave the Heavy Meals for Your Post-Workout Recovery

Don’t eat a huge, heavy meal before a hot, intense workout in the sun. As for your lighter meal beforehand, give your gut an hour to process before you head outside.

In order to fuel those hot summer workouts, you’ll want your pre-workout snack to be rich in water and nutrients! Try making a light yet satiating smoothie filled with summer berries, water-rich spinach, and protein-packed almond butter. While you can blend it with any milk of choice, opting for raw coconut water will give you that all-natural electrolyte boost!

RELATED: 10 Healthy & Refreshing Ways to Replenish Electrolytes After a Workout

#7 Protect Your Skin

SPF is an absolute must during the hot days of summer, regardless of whether or not you’re working out. Protect your skin with sunblock and dress for the occasion — light, cool, breathable layers that cover the prime areas of exposure (like your shoulders), and wear a hat or visor whenever possible.

RELATED: 30-Day Glowing Skin Challenge

#8 Use the Buddy System

Having a workout partner can help in a number of ways, but it also acts as a safety net when you’re in the heat in case you start to experience any of the below warning signs. If you don’t have someone to work out with, bring your phone, and let someone know your plans — just in case. This sounds very doom and gloom, but it’s an important part of safe summer workouts. Have backup!

#9 Have Cooling Tools Handy 

Ice packs, neck fans, and wet towels on hand can serve as your cool-down essentials in between reps and sets, or after you complete your workout. Your gear is important, too! Breathable, ventilated activewear will be your best friend. Bonus points if it’s sweat-wicking or specifically formulated with the hot summer months in mind!

Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is phase one of getting sick from the hot temps — heat stroke is the most severe. Keep an eye out for any of these symptoms when you’re working out in warm weather, as they can be indicative that your body’s system is fried and you’re going into exhaustion: 

  • Cramping
  • Rashes
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rapid breathing and heart rate
  • Confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Slurred speech

Staying Safe in The Summer Heat

The takeaway? Staying active in the summer is great, and we highly recommend moving outdoors! But not at the expense of your health. When it comes to safe summer workouts, remember to watch the weather and be mindful of any questionable symptoms you’re experiencing. When in doubt, air on the side of caution! It’s hot out there, and your safety comes first.

The post 9 Tips to Stay Safe When Working Out in The Summer Heat appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Unleash Your Core Strength With This 13-Minute Ab Burner Thu, 06 Jul 2023 16:24:44 +0000 The benefits of a strong core go far beyond appearance!

The post Unleash Your Core Strength With This 13-Minute Ab Burner appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Looking to sculpt and strengthen your center? This ab and oblique-focused core workout is for you! No need to spend hours in the gym to get the results you want when you can crush your core in just 13 minutes. And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting toned abs, there are so many reasons to strengthen your core outside of appearance. From improving posture to reducing the risk of injury to supporting functional fitness, building a strong core is crucial when it comes to enhancing your health and fitness. So, let’s get to it!

Ahead, we’re sharing how to sculpt and strengthen your abs in less than 15 minutes. The best part is, you don’t need any fancy equipment to do this workout. In fact, you can do it right in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a mat, your FitOn app, and some motivation to move!

Benefits of Strengthening Your Core 

From reducing the risk of injury to supporting your aesthetic goals, here are some of the top benefits of sculpting and strengthening your core:

RELATED: The Top At-Home Core Strengthening Workouts

What to Expect in The Ab Werk Workout Class With FitOn Trainer Kenta Seki

In this ab burner workout, we will guide you through a series of core and oblique-focused exercises specifically designed to engage and challenge your center. From traditional crunches to dynamic movements like bridges, leg circles, and leg lifts, you’ll work your center from every angle and build strength in your core. Performed fully on the mat with no equipment needed, you can press play on this workout anytime, anywhere!

Need to level your workout up or down? We’ve got you covered with simple modifications! 

What if You Need to Modify?

While some modifications and alternatives are provided during this ab workout, there aren’t queued suggestions for every exercise. But, if you find yourself needing to modify, don’t wait for our cue! It’s important to listen to your body’s needs and limitations — you can modify the movements at any time.

Here are some suggestions:

If you want to increase the intensity or make it more challenging:

  • Increase the range of motion during certain exercises, such as straightening your legs during leg lifts
  • Add resistance to your movements, such as holding a dumbbell during your crunch or putting on ankle weights while performing leg lifts
  • Incorporate resistance bands into your ab workout routine, for example, during bridges
  • Incorporate isometric holds to engage your core muscles for a longer duration
  • Slow down the tempo of each exercise, focusing on controlled movements and maximizing the time your muscles spend under tension
  • Instead of performing the exercises for the recommended number of repetitions, try adding a few more reps to each set

If you want to lower the intensity: 

  • Use your hands to stabilize you during balance or stability moves
  • Take breaks between exercises as needed
  • Instead of keeping your legs extended straight, bend your knees
  • Reduce the range of motion, for example, only lifting your shoulder blades off the ground during traditional sit-ups

Sculpt & Strengthen Your Core in Less Than 15 Minutes!

Have 13 minutes to spare? Head to the FitOn app and press play on this spicy ab burner. Beyond achieving sculpted abs, strengthening your core does so much good for your body. So, give this simple and effective exercise a try! Trust us — your core and obliques will thank you.

The post Unleash Your Core Strength With This 13-Minute Ab Burner appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

17 Simple Tips to Add More Walking Steps to Your Day Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:03:49 +0000 You’re one step away from a healthier you!

The post 17 Simple Tips to Add More Walking Steps to Your Day appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

If you think you can’t walk your way to good health, think again! Not only does walking help you stay fit, but it also offers numerous health benefits. From supporting weight loss and boosting metabolism to improving sleep and supporting mental well-being, walking is one of the best things we can do for our mind and body. However, with our busy schedules and sedentary lifestyles, many people find it challenging to add enough walking steps to their day. If you’re one of these people, good news! We’re sharing how to add more steps to your day with ease.

RELATED: The Impressive Health Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Per Day 

Health Benefits of Walking

Before diving into the tips, here are the science-backed ways regular walking can benefit both your physical and mental health:

RELATED: What You Need to Know About Walking For Fitness

17 Simple Tips to Increase Daily Steps

#1 Set a Daily Step Goal

Start by setting a realistic step goal that works for you and your lifestyle. Whether it’s 100 extra steps or 10,000 steps per day, find a goal that’s attainable and sustainable! To stay accountable and to keep track of your progress, join the FitOn monthly step challenge! 

#2 Take The Stairs

Rather than take the elevator or escalator, opt for the stairs whenever possible. Climbing stairs is a great way to add extra steps to your day, not to mention engage your leg muscles for an added burn!

#3 Park Farther Away

When you go to work, the grocery store, the coffee shop, or really, any destination, park your car farther away from the entrance! This way, you’ll be forced to walk a longer distance to reach your destination and sneak in some more steps along the way.

#4 Walk During Work or School Breaks

Have 5 or 10 minutes to spare? Instead of sitting at your desk or grabbing a snack during your break, take a brisk walk! Use this time to get some fresh air and increase your step count. Invite a classmate or co-worker to join you!

#5 Walk or Bike to Work

If your workplace is within a reasonable distance, consider walking or biking instead of driving. This not only adds steps to your day but also helps reduce carbon emissions. Plus, you’ll save money on transportation as an added bonus!

#6 Take Walking Meetings

Whenever possible, suggest walking meetings instead of sitting in the office conference room. Walking and talking can boost creativity and productivity while getting your steps in. And if it’s a virtual meeting, even better! Plug in your headphones and take your meeting outdoors.

#7 Pace While Talking on The Phone

Sounds weird, but next time you’re on the phone, stand up and walk around while you talk! This simple habit can add a significant number of steps throughout the day. You could even take the call outside or at the store and do loops around the aisles or neighborhood.

#8 Get Off The Bus or Train Early

If you use public transportation, try getting off one or two stops earlier and walk the remaining distance. It’s a great way to incorporate extra steps into your daily commute with little effort! And since you’re already allotting the extra time, why not take advantage by listening to a motivating podcast while you walk or trying out a walking meditation.

#9 Set Walking Reminders

Set reminders on your phone or computer to prompt you to take short walks or stretch breaks throughout the day! Get up from your desk and take a few laps around the office or building. Not only will it increase your step count, but it can also help break up long periods of sitting and refresh your mind.

#10 Walk Your Dog

If you have a dog or a pet, take them for regular walks! It’s a win-win situation for both you and your pup — you both get exercise and quality time together. Plus, there’s research to suggest that simply spending time with your dog reduces stress!

#11 Do a Walking Meditation

If you struggle to meditate, this walking tip is calling your name! Try incorporating a walking meditation into your day. By combining mindfulness and physical activity, you’ll reduce stress, support sleep, boost mental health, and increase your daily steps!

#12 Take The Long Route

When you have the option, choose the longer route. Whether it’s going to the restroom on the other side of the building, walking or biking the scenic path home, or using the entrance or exit furthest away from your location. It all adds up!

#13 Walk After Meals

Instead of immediately sitting or lying down after a meal, take a leisurely walk. Not only does it help you reach your step goal for the day, but it also help regulates blood sugar and aids digestion.

#14 Join a Walking Group

Find a walking group in your community or create your own by gathering friends, co-workers, or family to walk together! Walking with others comes with many health benefits, plus it’s a great way to stay accountable and encourage you to stick to your routine.

#15 Engage In Active Hobbies

Activities like gardening, dancing, yoga, and hiking are fun ways to sneak in steps without feeling like you’re putting in the effort! And if you have hobbies that involve sitting, such as reading a book, try to incorporate walking into them! Rather than reading on the couch, listen to the audio version of your book while walking! 

#16 Take a Morning Walk

Wake up a bit earlier and start your day with a refreshing morning walk. Aside from kicking off the day with some steps under your belt, you’ll get the added benefit of morning sunshine which can help balance your circadian rhythm and boost your mood. Breathe in the fresh air, observe your surroundings, and set a positive tone for the rest of your day.

#17 Use An Under-Desk Treadmill

If you work from home or tend to sit a lot at work, consider using an under-desk treadmill desk. This allows you to walk while you work, which can help stimulate creativity and enhance productivity — win-win! Plus, it’s a convenient way to incorporate movement and avoid prolonged sitting, especially when your schedule is busy.

Lace Up Your Sneakers, Let’s Walk!

Looking to add more steps to your day? Now you have seventeen ways to sneak in more movement with ease! Experiment with different ideas and gradually incorporate them into your daily routine in a way that’s attainable and sustainable. Because, the goal here is all about finding the strategies that work best for you and your lifestyle!

The post 17 Simple Tips to Add More Walking Steps to Your Day appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

The Surprising Benefits of Lifting Weights For Women Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:58:15 +0000 Grab the dumbbells and get ready to transform your mind and body.

The post The Surprising Benefits of Lifting Weights For Women appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Ladies, let’s talk weights. Firstly, there are some common misconceptions out there that weightlifting will automatically make you bulky — and that’s simply not true! So, we’re here to set the record straight. Forget the fear of bulking up! Instead, embrace the benefits that lifting weights can bring to your female fitness journey. While cardio workouts have their place, incorporating strength training into your routine offers a whole new world of advantages that extend far beyond sculpting your muscles. From improved hormone balance to increased metabolism and enhanced bone health, weightlifting has the power to transform your body — and even your mind! So, grab those dumbbells and get ready to discover the remarkable benefits of weightlifting for women.

RELATED: No, Strength Training Won’t Make You Bulky

Strength Training vs. Cardio: Which is Better For Hormone Balance in Women?

Don’t get us wrong — cardio exercise can do so much good for the body. But, when it comes to supporting better hormone balance in women, strength training takes the spotlight. While cardio workouts have their place in cardiovascular health, stress reduction, and endurance, cardio alone may not provide the same hormonal benefits as weightlifting.

Unlike cardio exercises, strength training engages your muscles and exerts a greater demand on your body. This physical stress triggers a cascade of hormonal responses that can positively influence hormone balance! 

When it comes to the benefits of weightlifting for women, here are some key ways strength training helps to balance hormones:

Balanced Estrogen

One of the primary hormones affected is estrogen, a hormone that plays a crucial role in a woman’s reproductive health and overall well-being. Weightlifting has been shown to regulate estrogen levels, promoting a healthier balance and potentially alleviating symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Strength training has also been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity. Responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, improved sensitivity means your body can use insulin more effectively. When balanced, there’s a reduced risk of insulin resistance and related hormonal issues! 

The Top Benefits of Weight Training for Women

Increased Metabolic Rate

Wondering how to rev your metabolism? It may be as simple as picking up those weights! One of the most significant benefits of weightlifting for women is the metabolic boost it provides. While cardio is great for burning calories during exercise, strength training helps build lean muscle mass, which in turn, elevates the metabolic rate — even at rest! 

This is especially important for women, considering our metabolic rate tends to slow down as we age. When our metabolism is slow, this can lead to weight gain, decreased energy levels, and dips in mood. The good news? Incorporating weightlifting into a fitness routine can counteract this natural decline by preserving and building muscle, resulting in increased calorie burn and improved body composition.

RELATED: 5 Metabolism-Boosting Eating Habits

Improved Body Composition

Speaking of body composition, weightlifting helps women achieve a more sculpted and toned physique. And contrary to the fear of “bulking up,” it’s actually quite difficult for women to gain significant muscle mass without specific training and nutrition regimens. How is this so? Well, men have a higher natural capacity for muscle growth due to higher testosterone levels. Women, on the other hand, typically have lower levels of this hormone. So, rather than get bulky, weightlifting actually helps women develop lean muscle, leading to a more defined and toned appearance!

Enhanced Bone Health

Another win for us ladies is the improved bone health that comes as a result of weight training. And considering osteoporosis and bone density loss are common concerns for women, maintaining and improving bone health is a major benefit of weight lifting for women. The stress placed on the bones during weight-bearing exercise helps stimulate the production of new bone tissue, ultimately increasing bone density. This reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis, promoting long-term bone strength and overall well-being. 

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Women’s Fitness & Wellness

Reduced Health Risks 

Linked to a reduced risk of various chronic conditions prevalent in women, why wouldn’t you want to add weight lifting to your exercise regime? In fact, when compared to women who reported no strength training or no exercise at all, women engaging in strength training exercise had a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 

Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem

Rather than fixating on shrinking our bodies, shifting the focus to getting stronger can be incredibly transformative for us women. As you embrace your power with weight lifting and see improvements in your physical strength, you may notice increased mental strength too, with increased self-confidence, self-esteem, and even improved body image!

RELATED: 10 Powerful Habits For Self-Love & Total Self-Acceptance

Reduced Stress and Improved Mood

And when it comes to busting stress, and boosting mood, the research is clear — weightlifting can help. That’s right, while strengthening your body, you can help strengthen your mind! This is partly due to the feel-good endorphins released during exercise, which can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. 

Improved Sleep

Based on research, another benefit of lifting weights for women is its ability to help support sleep quality and duration. In fact, recent 2022 research suggests it may be even more effective than aerobic exercise.

RELATED: The Connection Between Strength Training & Better Sleep

Weight Lifting For Women: Strengthen Your Mind & Body 

From hormone balance and increased metabolic rate to improved bone health and body composition, weightlifting provides a wide range of benefits for women. Best of all, not only does it enhance physical strength and fitness, but it also supports mental well-being, sleep quality, and mood regulation. So, grab those weights and get started with resistance training! Not sure where to get started? Head to the FitOn app and browse our workout library! With a range of strength classes, challenges, and courses, there’s something for everyone.

The post The Surprising Benefits of Lifting Weights For Women appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

The Benefits of Functional Fitness: Exercises That Improve Everyday Life Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:59:23 +0000 Your gains in the gym translate to gains in everyday life!

The post The Benefits of Functional Fitness: Exercises That Improve Everyday Life appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

The research is clear: integrating regular movement into our daily routine is one of the best things we can do for both our short-term and long-term health! From improving heart health to supporting weight loss, exercise undeniably improves our well-being and overall quality of life. And while any form of exercise can contribute to these benefits, functional fitness holds particular importance in enhancing our overall health and daily functioning. By engaging in functional fitness exercises that simulate real-life movements, we not only improve our strength, flexibility, and coordination but also reduce the risk of injury and illness and enhance our ability to perform daily activities with ease!

What is Functional Fitness?

So what is functional fitness, exactly? Functional fitness is a training approach that aims to enhance the body’s ability to perform everyday tasks with efficiency and ease. Unlike traditional workout routines that target isolated muscle groups or prioritize aesthetic goals, functional fitness emphasizes exercises that mimic real-life movements, making them more practical and beneficial for everyday life. 

These exercises, which include movements such as bending, lifting, pushing, pulling, and twisting, not only strengthen muscle groups we activate on a regular basis, but they also help to enhance our overall strength, stability, coordination, and flexibility. In turn, this makes it easier to carry out everyday tasks like carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or playing with your kids without strain or discomfort!

6 Functional Fitness Exercises to Improve Everyday Life


Squats — we love to hate them! These challenging yet incredibly effective movements are prized for their ability to target multiple muscle groups simultaneously. By engaging the muscles in your thighs, hips, and glutes, squats not only help to build lower body strength but also contribute to improved stability, balance, and core strength.

Incorporating squats into your workout routine can have a significant impact on your overall functional fitness, making daily activities like walking, climbing stairs, lifting heavy objects, gardening, and even getting up from a chair feel more effortless.

RELATED: Here’s How to Really Do a Squat (With Perfect Form)


Walking lunges, reverse lunges, side lunges, curtsey lunges, plain old traditional lunges — no matter which variation you choose, they’re all incredible when it comes to improving your functional fitness! These exercises primarily target the muscles in your legs and hips, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and hip adductors/abductors. This helps to improve balance, stability, and mobility, which can enhance your ability to carry out everyday movements such as walking, climbing stairs, and maintaining proper posture.


Though grueling, deadlifts are one of the best exercises for improving functional fitness. Just think about how many times you pick up heavy objects throughout the day, whether it’s carrying your groceries, picking up your children, lifting luggage, or rearranging furniture. By targeting multiple muscle groups, including the muscles in your back, glutes, hamstrings, and core, this compound movement helps to strengthen your entire posterior chain. And aside from helping build overall strength and power, deadlifts also improve posture, stability, and coordination! 

Plus, they help teach you how to engage your core and maintain a neutral spine while lifting heavy objects. This means reduced risk of injury and strain on joints and muscles.


Whether it’s pushing a shopping cart, moving furniture, or pushing open a heavy door, the strength, and coordination developed through push-ups can significantly enhance your ability to perform these daily activities without strain. Excellent for building upper body strength, particularly in your chest, arms, and shoulders, this functional fitness exercise can help you develop the necessary strength and stability to tackle daily tasks and movements more effectively.

Not a huge fan of push-ups? Try some of these push-up variations!  


Let’s face it, holding a plank is no easy feat. We’ve all experienced that shaky feeling of burnout while holding a plank. But, as you push through the burn, remember — you’re not only improving your physical strength with enhanced core stability, you’re also improving posture and enhancing your ability to perform daily activities with greater ease!

This core-strengthening exercise can help you with everyday activities like bending over to tie your shoes, reaching for items on high shelves, and even sitting for extended periods. And if you get bored of the traditional plank, there are so many variations — like side planks, forearm planks, and even planks with a hip dip or leg lift — to keep you motivated.

RELATED: 5 Impressive Benefits of Planks & How to Include Them in Your Fitness Routine

Farmer’s Walk

Similar to a weighted walking lunge (without the lunge), this exercise involves carrying heavy weights in each hand, such as dumbbells or kettlebells, while walking. Considering the various everyday tasks that involve carrying objects, such as groceries, moving boxes, and even carrying pets or children, it’s clear why this exercise is considered a valuable addition to functional fitness routines!

It improves grip strength, strengthens your shoulders, core, and legs, and helps to activate and stabilize your spine to maintain an upright posture and reduce the risk of injury.

Try a Functional Fitness Workout Today 

Want a guided workout option? Get started with one of these FitOn functional fitness classes. 

Fully FUNctional

This full body strength workout features functional strength training, which includes an exercise protocol that involves compound movements, balancing exercises, and isolation exercises. This workout is designed to utilize functional movement to help you live a stronger, more coordinated, and more joyful life; together we will put the FUN in FUNctional. 

Functional Strength 

Work through simple movements that can improve your strength, balance, and coordination.

Functional HIIT

Experience the ultimate full body transformation with this heart-pounding full body HIIT workout. Leave this workout feeling stronger, fitter, and more empowered than ever before.

Functional Full Body Fit 

This workout is all about being fit for the function of life. Strengthening your muscles, bulletproofing your joints, and working in all planes of motion. Whether it’s picking up and carrying a child, dog or shopping bags, or playing sports, this workout will have you fit for whatever life throws at you. It’s strength focused with some cardio scattered in between. You’ll need a set of dumbbells.

The Takeaway

Functional fitness not only improves our physical capabilities, but also promotes longevity and boosts our overall well-being. By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can improve your strength, stability, mobility, and overall functionality, and what’s not to love about that? Whether it’s carrying groceries, playing with your children, or performing routine tasks, functional fitness empowers you to tackle daily activities with ease and confidence. Plus, adding in regular movement and functional fitness exercises helps to combat the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle. So, use this guide as motivation to get started, and watch the positive benefits trickle into both your fitness regime and daily routine.

The post The Benefits of Functional Fitness: Exercises That Improve Everyday Life appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Think You Can’t Meditate? Here’s Why Walking Meditation is Different Tue, 30 May 2023 16:36:39 +0000 Step your way to serenity!

The post Think You Can’t Meditate? Here’s Why Walking Meditation is Different appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

If the idea of sitting still and meditating feels daunting, rest assured, you’re not alone in feeling this way! Despite the many science-backed benefits of meditation (such as improved sleep, reduced stress, and enhanced immune function, just to name a few), many individuals struggle to find a sense of ease and comfort in this mind-body practice. However, not all meditation requires stillness! So, if sitting quietly with your thoughts feels like a struggle, there’s good news — you can still enjoy all the benefits of mindfulness through more active practices, like walking meditation.

Ahead, learn what walking meditation is, its benefits, and how you can get started on your own mindful journey.

RELATED: What You Need to Know About Walking For Fitness 

What is Walking Meditation?

Just like it sounds, walking meditation is a moving and mobile form of meditation that offers an alternative to mindfulness for those who feel like they can’t meditate in the traditional sense. Unlike seated meditation, which requires stillness and silence, walking meditation harnesses movement of the body as a means to cultivate mindfulness. It can be practiced virtually anywhere, such as in a park, at the beach, in a neighborhood, or really, any setting that brings you peace and comfort!

And while there’s no ‘right way’ to perform a walking meditation, the key is to remain fully mindful with each step. This could include directing your attention to the rhythm of your breath, noticing the sensations in your body, being mindful of your surroundings, connecting with nature, and overall, simply being fully present in the act of walking.

The best part? By engaging your senses and immersing yourself in the natural environment, not only can you cultivate inner stillness, but you can also deepen your connection with the outside world and embrace the present moment.

The Benefits of Walking Meditation

Supported by research for its many positive effects on mental, emotional, and physical well-being, here are some of the science-backed benefits of walking meditation:

#1 Reduced Stress 

Just like traditional meditation, walking meditation has been shown to decrease cortisol levels and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Plus, the integration of breath and movement creates a harmonious synergy that helps soothe the mind and promote a sense of inner calm. According to research, this has been shown to soothe anxious thoughts and improve overall mental well-being!

#2 Improved Sleep

Want a better night’s sleep? Walking meditation may help. Walking meditation can help reduce stress levels, which can help support better sleep, and walking, in general, has also been shown to benefit sleep quality. When you combine the two, research shows it may help improve sleep.

#3 Enhanced Mood and Emotional Well-Being

When it comes to mental and emotional well-being, walking meditation has been found to boost mood and increase positive emotions thanks to the endorphins released during movement.

Plus, it helps facilitate a deeper connection between the mind and body. By simply tuning into your body and focusing on the sensations of walking, research shows enhanced mind-body connection with things such as increased self-awareness and body appreciation.

RELATED: Combining Mindfulness With Exercise: What You Need to Know

#4 Increased Cardiovascular Health

Speaking of movement, as a form of physical activity, walking meditation offers the benefits of exercise, including improved cardiovascular health. This gentle aerobic exercise helps to strengthen your heart and improve its efficiency over time, where it’s been shown to boost circulation, lower inflammation, and reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol.

#5 Improved Sleep & Energy

Engaging in walking meditation, especially when performed in nature, has been shown to positively impact sleep. The combination of movement, mindfulness, and exposure to nature (with things such as fresh air and sunshine) creates a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to promote relaxation, and contribute to a more restful sleep. As a result, it helps improve energy

Getting Started With Walking Meditation 

Best of all, getting started with walking meditation is simple.

Step #1 Find a Location: To start, pick a location. Ideally, you’ll want to look for a calming environment where you can walk without distractions. This could be a nearby park, a nature trail, or even a walking path in your neighborhood.

Step #2 Get Comfortable: Make sure you have comfortable walking shoes and walking gear! And if you’re heading for a walk in nature, don’t forget your SPF.

Step #3 Set Your Intention: Before you get started, tune into your body and take a moment to set your intention for the practice. Maybe you take a few deep breaths to cultivate calmness, increase mindfulness with a quick body scan, or simply find a moment of stillness.

Step #4 Begin Walking Mindfully: Start your walking meditation at a slow, comfortable pace. With every step, focus your attention on the physical sensations of walking — this could be the movement of your feet, the shifting of your weight, the engagement of your muscles, the swinging of your arms, or the contact with the ground. Stay present with each step, letting go of any thoughts or distractions that arise.

Step #5 Engage Your Senses: As you walk, fully engage all your senses. Notice the sounds around you (such as the wind blowing or birds chirping), the feeling of the breeze or sunshine on your skin, the sights of nature and your surroundings (noticing things like flowers, clouds, trees, and shadows) and the scents, such as fresh cut grass or the smell of fragrant flowers. Check in with your breath, and immerse yourself in the present moment.

Step #6 Maintain Mindfulness & Awareness: Continue to check in with your mind and body. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to the act of walking. And remember to be patient with yourself — embrace any thoughts or emotions that arise without judgment.

Step #7 Complete Your Walk: As your walk comes to a close, take a few minutes to check in with your body. Notice how you’re feeling now vs. when you started your walking meditation! Reflect on any changes in your mind or body, and take a moment to express gratitude and acknowledge the benefits this practice has brought you.

Integrate Mindfulness & Movement Into Your Daily Life

If you’ve ever felt that traditional meditation is not for you, walking meditation may be the perfect alternative. Acknowledging the discomfort that can arise from sitting still, this easy-to-implement and accessible practice harnesses the power of movement to cultivate a sense of calm and clarity.

Like any practice, consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of walking meditation. Set aside dedicated time each day or week until it becomes part of your routine! 

The post Think You Can’t Meditate? Here’s Why Walking Meditation is Different appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

How to Optimize Your Workout Routine For Improved Mental Health Tue, 23 May 2023 18:59:02 +0000 Boost your mood, bust stress, and benefit your mental health!

The post How to Optimize Your Workout Routine For Improved Mental Health appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

From supporting weight loss and boosting metabolism to reducing the risk of chronic illness, exercise has been long celebrated for its physical benefits. But, let’s not forget about the profound impact that movement can have on mental health! While research has shown that simply engaging in physical activity can have significant benefits for mental health, there are easy ways to optimize your workout routine to improve your mental health even further. All it takes is a little know-how!

Ahead, specific strategies to incorporate into your workout routine that can help optimize your mental well-being. Here’s how to enhance your exercise routine for mental health!

The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

But first, the benefits of movement for mental health! According to research, exercise can help:

7 Movement Hacks to Help Boost Your Mental Health

Find Movement that Brings You Joy

Let’s face it — if you’re working out to solely burn calories or achieve a quick-fix solution, you’re not going to achieve the same mental health benefits. In fact, exercise could become more of a chore rather than a feel-good activity. So, rather than solely focusing on burning or restricting calories, prioritize activities that bring you joy and make you feel good. Engaging in exercises that you genuinely enjoy has been shown to increase motivation, reduce stress, and boost overall happiness.

Whether it’s dancing, hiking, swimming, or practicing yoga, finding activities that resonate with you will enhance your mental well-being while exercising. And remember, this looks different for everyone!

Take Your Workout Outdoors

Feeling stuck? Sad? Anxious? Take advantage of the benefits of exercising outdoors! Exercising in nature has been shown to positively impact mental health, helping to improve mood and mindset. From soaking in the sunshine to breathing in the fresh air, taking your workout outdoors can do so much for the mind (and body)! 

The best part? There are so many ways to incorporate outdoor workouts. Lace-up your sneakers for a neighborhood stroll, take a scenic jog in the park, hit a local hiking trail, practice yoga on the beach, or press play on a FitOn workout and sweat it out in your own backyard! You’ll get a refreshing change of scenery, increase vitamin D intake, and invigorate your mind.

RELATED: The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Bringing Your Workouts Outdoors

Make it a Social Affair

While there are many benefits to exercising alone, engaging in movement with others could help benefit your mental health! In fact, studies have shown that social connection is crucial for overall health, not just mental health. It can help alleviate feelings of loneliness, foster a sense of belonging and support, and offer a valuable support system! Consider sweating it out with a friend or exercising in a community setting. This could be joining a gym, signing up for a group fitness class, going for a walk or jog with a friend, or even finding ways to exercise with your co-workers at work!

Practice Mindful Movement

While there’s no right or wrong way to practice mindful movement, bringing your attention to the present moment is a great place to begin! Start by paying attention to your body, your breath, and any sensations you’re feeling. Notice the physical sensations in your body as you move, such as the feeling of your feet hitting the ground, the stretch in your muscles during a yoga pose, or the contraction of your muscles during a squat or lunge. You can also focus on your breath, observing the rhythm, depth, and quality.

And even if you’re feeling fatigued or struggling to make it through those last few reps, try to come from a place of non-judgment. Instead, take a moment to acknowledge and thank your body for its strength, endurance, and ability to move! This can help enhance the mind-body connection and promote a greater sense of acceptance, self-love, and compassion. Not to mention, enhance your mood and mindset. 

Head to the FitOn app and explore exercises that emphasize the mind-body connection, such as yoga or Pilates! You could even dance it out or simply get started with a stretching exercise.

RELATED: Combining Mindfulness With Exercise: What You Need to Know

Set Realistic Goals 

Achieving the feel-good benefits of movement doesn’t mean hitting the gym for 60 minutes per day. In fact, it’s better to start small and make it sustainable! Set achievable and realistic goals that align with your abilities and interests. Having clear objectives (that are actually attainable) can enhance motivation, boost self-confidence, and provide a sense of accomplishment. 

Need help getting started? Here’s how to set fitness goals that actually stick!

Use Movement to Manage Stress

When it comes to busting stress, think of movement as medicine! In fact, try to use physical activity as a tool for managing stress. When you feel overwhelmed or anxious, try engaging in exercise. Whether it’s taking a five-minute stroll or rolling out your mat for a calming FitOn yoga session, movement can provide a healthy outlet for releasing tension, reducing cortisol, and clearing your mind.

RELATED: The Best Kinds of Exercise For Mental Health, According to Research

Practice Gratitude

While it can sometimes be easier said than done, try to cultivate a sense of gratitude during or after your workouts. This can be particularly effective on those days when you don’t feel like moving or are feeling extra down. If you’re in a rut, try to reflect on something positive and practice gratitude. Think about the benefits you experience during and after exercise, or give thanks for your physical abilities and the opportunity to move. This can help shift your focus towards a more positive mindset and enhance your overall mood and mindset! 

RELATED: The Surprising Ways Positivity Improves Your Health

Maximizing the Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

As you can see, the mere act of movement can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. From reducing stress, improving mood, increasing self-esteem, and enhancing cognitive function, incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can do so much good for your mind and body. And while any movement will likely benefit you in some capacity, optimizing your workout routine with these simple strategies can enhance the benefits even further! And remember, this is your journey. To make it sustainable and enjoyable, find what feels best for you and your lifestyle.

The post How to Optimize Your Workout Routine For Improved Mental Health appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.
