Wellness Archives - FitOn https://fitonapp.com/wellness/ Lose weight, get fit and feel great anytime, anywhere with free on-demand fitness classes, personalized workout plans and guided meditations. Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:08:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/fitonapp.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-App-icon_512-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Wellness Archives - FitOn https://fitonapp.com/wellness/ 32 32 163018936 The 4 Key Secrets to a Happier Life According to an Expert https://fitonapp.com/wellness/happiness-secrets/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:05:35 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=87768 They may be more simple than you think.

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The pursuit of happiness… is there anything more valuable to the human experience? At the core of virtually all our desires, lies the desire to feel happy. Wealth, health, love… these are all things that ultimately make us happy. But happiness doesn’t have to be so hard to grasp, despite what the struggles of everyday life might lead us to think. 

If you’re searching for ways to feel happier, why not consult an expert in the very subject? Most therapists — be they LMFTs, PsyDs, PhDs, or MDs — spend their academic and professional careers in an effort to help the general population feel (and live) happier. 

One particular expert in this arena is clinical psychologist Kevin Gilliland, Psy.D, based in Dallas, Texas. He’s the author of two books that aim to help the reader feel better every day: Struggle Well, Live Well: 60 Ways to Navigate Life’s Good, Bad, and In-between, and Progress Not Perfection. And that’s on top of working with individuals and organizations on a daily basis, sharing (and researching) ways to feel more happiness in life. 

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Four Happiness Secrets, From the Expert

Ahead, Dr. Gilliland shares his personal advice — what he uses himself, and what he shares with patients and clients. 

Tip 1: Embrace the ‘Fight’

The human experience is inherently fraught with struggle, so you’ve gotta be prepared to put in a little work. As Dr. Gilliland puts it, “I fight to capture happiness every day.” The word fight itself implies that happiness doesn’t always come naturally… So if you’re struggling, understand that this is completely normal, and there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you!

On that note, the concept or advice to simply “be happy,” can feel quite frustrating. Dr. Gilliland is here to confirm that he personally deals with this frustration as well. 

“I have to fight daily,” he says, “And yes, it is a fight, because personally, if I don’t go after it, my mind will hang on to all sorts of things that aren’t going to lead to happiness.” He points out that it’s extremely easy to fall into all sorts of mental traps that can lead to bad moods or a poor life outlook. Recognizing that happiness sometimes requires real effort is the first step to achieving it more regularly.

Tip 2: Release the Negative (Don’t Dwell!)

If you tend to ruminate, this one can be a challenge, but it’s one of his best tips. Dr. Gilliland also deals with this as an individual, so he can speak from a personal POV as well as give his professional insight. 

“Don’t hang on to your worst moment or worst day to judge [the quality of] your life,” he says. “Again, my mind seems to be able to do that without any effort, so I have to put forth the effort to have a short memory about things not going as planned or hoped.” It’s similar to Ted Lasso’s advice when things go awry… Have the 10-second memory of a goldfish!

This is a mindset practice, but try to catch yourself in any negative thought spirals. Do your best to actively release those feelings, and redirect your focus. It’s much easier said than done, but entirely achievable with practice. 

Tip 3: “Be Fair” 

“One of the enemies of happiness is being biased in a negative way,” says Dr. Gilliland. “Sure, some things happen that we all regret… or that wish went differently. So? Some things also went really well and good,” he points out. “Keep [those good moments in your mind] as well; don’t ignore them or dismiss them. We have to hang on to those moments like we seem to hang on to the not-so-happy moments. Be fair.”

This, again, is a shift in focus. And you must ask yourself, “Am I looking at my life in a fair way?”

You can have a loved one act as a referee, or unbiased outside source if you need some help with your perspective. “Try to have someone in your life who reminds you of the good things, the happy things… because we need those people in our life,” he adds. “And be that person in someone else’s life, because that helps the habit grow in our life.”

Tip 4: The Trifecta of Basics: Food, Movement, Sleep

So we’ve got three tips on mindset, now we have a three-pronged approach to your physical body, which in turn (as you well know by now) affects your emotional ‘body.’

Dr. Gilliland lives by a personal adage he shares with his patients, clients, and colleagues: “Food is fuel, movement is medicine, sleep is power.” 

Sometimes happiness is an existential struggle, and sometimes it’s just on the other side of chronic sleep deprivation. Or a nutritional deficiency. Or a lack of physical activity!

Just as it can be easy to fall into mental traps of negativity, it can also be painfully easy to neglect the basics of self-care. 

Take inventory. What’s your nutrition looking like these days? This doesn’t mean you have to start a ‘happiness diet,’ just take a look at what you’re eating, and identify if anything could be improved for your overall well-being. If you’re dealing with something more serious than a bout of blues (say, depression or anxiety), it could be worth getting a comprehensive micronutrient panel with your physician. 

Then, assess your movement routine. Are you getting out for walks and fresh air? When was the last time you worked out? Do you need to add in a new type of exercise to your routine? Fortunately, we’ve got you covered there… With thousands of workouts and various exercise categories and instructors, you can find what works best for you in the FitOn app

Finally, examine your sleep patterns. Tens of millions of Americans are chronically sleep deprived (at least one in three, according to the CDC… almost 85 million people). There’s a strong likelihood that if you’re reading this, and you too are an American adult, you’re working with a “sleep debt,” as Dr. Gilliland puts it. “No amount of medication or counseling can make up for a serious sleep deficit.”

Before trying to biohack your way to bliss (no need to jump in a cold plunge pool or put butter in your coffee just yet!), consider evaluating your basics, and seeing if you can improve on these fundamental components. 

Simple, But Not Always Easy

If all this still feels like a struggle, try your best to keep working toward your own personal joy. “In the end, happiness has to be protected and nurtured every day,” says Dr. Gilliland. Don’t give up. Yes, it’s easier said than done… but you can do this. Happiness is within reach.

The post The 4 Key Secrets to a Happier Life According to an Expert appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Surprising Ways Our Circadian Rhythm Affects Health + 8 Ways to Support It https://fitonapp.com/wellness/sleep/circadian-rhythm-health/ Wed, 28 Jun 2023 18:38:33 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=87080 Hint: it affects more than just our sleep!

The post Surprising Ways Our Circadian Rhythm Affects Health + 8 Ways to Support It appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Impacting everything from sleep health to hormone regulation to mental well-being and metabolism is none other than our circadian rhythm. Most commonly discussed in regard to sleep health, there’s so much more to our biological clock. In fact, this internal clock holds the power to shape our lives in ways we might not even realize! And considering the primary cue for our circadian rhythm is the presence or absence of light, it’s no surprise that modern-day technology has posed some mighty challenges and consequences for our health. Because, let’s face it, we live in a fast-paced, modernized world, where technology and artificial light (from phones, screens, and computers) consistently stimulate our senses. That’s why it’s especially crucial to understand and regulate our circadian rhythm!

Ahead, learn everything you need to know about circadian rhythm and health. What is circadian rhythm? How does it impact our well-being? And how can we improve upon and regulate this biological clock?

What is Circadian Rhythm? 

Often referred to as our internal or biological clock, our circadian rhythm is an inherent biological process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle as well as various physiological and behavioral processes (including hormone production, metabolism, body temperature regulation, and even cognitive function). It’s synchronized with the 24-hour day-night cycle, and primarily influenced by external cues — mostly, the presence or absence of light.

How Our Circadian Rhythm Remains Balanced

So, without outside influence from artificial screens and stimuli, how does our circadian rhythm remain balanced? Here’s how it works.

Cortisol and Morning Energy

During the day, exposure to natural light stimulates the production of hormones like cortisol, promoting wakefulness and alertness. This morning light exposure is what helps align our circadian rhythm with the daytime hours, allowing us to be active and productive. Hence, the importance of prioritizing exposure to natural sunshine before engaging in screen time in the morning.

Melatonin and Restful Nights

As for the evening (in an ideal world, when our circadian rhythm is balanced), the opposite mechanism will take place! This means as the sun sets and the evening approaches, our bodies should naturally begin to release melatonin, a hormone that induces drowsiness and prepares us for sleep. This absence of light during the evening hours is what encourages rest and restoration, helping support the natural progression of our sleep-wake cycles. Thus, the importance of avoiding stimulating blue light at night. 

But, with the prevalence of irregular schedules and artificial light from electronics, our circadian rhythm can easily become disturbed. Here’s why it matters!

Factors that Impact Our Circadian Rhythm

  • Irregular sleep schedules or sleep regimes 
  • Chronic stress 
  • Travel
  • Overnight shift work or irregular work shifts
  • Use of electronics or exposure to blue light too late in the evening
  • Drinking or eating late at night 

While we can’t always control our schedules or environment (think: busy schedules or jobs that require late nights), knowing the factors that impact our circadian rhythm can help us understand the potential challenges we may face and make informed decisions to optimize our sleep-wake cycles.

Circadian Rhythm & Its Effects On Our Health

Sleep Health

In charge of regulating our sleep-wake cycles, our biological clock helps ensure we sleep soundly during the night and wake up feeling rested and energized in the morning. But, when imbalanced, research has shown our sleep health and overall health pay the price. 

A study published in the journal Sleep Medicine found that individuals with irregular sleep patterns experienced more difficulties falling asleep, shorter sleep duration, and poorer sleep quality compared to those with regular sleep schedules. These disruptions not only contribute to daytime fatigue and sleepiness, but also increase the risk of mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety.

While a night or two won’t make or break you, chronic sleep deprivation and circadian imbalance have been linked to an increased risk of serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes. 

Hormone Regulation

Research has shown that many hormones, including cortisol, melatonin, insulin, and growth hormone, follow distinct circadian patterns. Important for metabolism, immune function, and stress, we want to keep the hormones healthy and regulated! But, disruptions to the circadian rhythm can have significant effects on hormone regulation and overall health, increasing the risk for stress, impaired sleep, metabolic and immune disturbances, and other chronic health conditions.

RELATED: How Stress Affects Your Metabolism

Mental Health

The circadian rhythm has a significant impact on mental health, with disruptions in sleep-wake patterns and hormonal dysregulation playing a significant role. Irregular sleep schedules, jet lag, shift work, and exposure to artificial light at night can all contribute to circadian imbalance, which, in turn, affects mood, mental health, and cognitive functioning. Research has consistently shown that individuals with disrupted circadian rhythms are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

RELATED: How to Optimize Your Workout Routine For Improved Mental Health

Digestion and Metabolism

Our circadian rhythm affects digestion and metabolism, where it’s been shown to affect nutrient absorption, energy expenditure, and appetite regulation. Disruptions to this rhythm, with things such as late-night eating or irregular meal timings, can lead to digestive issues, weight gain, and an increased risk of metabolic disorders.

Tips to Help Support Our Body’s Circadian Rhythm

#1 Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day — even on weekends! Remaining consistent helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promote better sleep quality. While a late night or two won’t cause much harm, try to keep a routine as much as possible.

#2 Create a Sleep Sanctuary

Make your bedroom the ultimate sleep setup by keeping it cool, quiet, and dark. Keep phones and electronics out of the bedroom, so you’re not tempted to turn them on! You could even diffuse essential oils, play white noise, or snuggle up with a weighted blanket.

RELATED: Want Better Sleep? Try These 13 Life-Changing Tools

#3 Avoid Electronic Devices Before Bed

Speaking of blue light, avoid electronic devices before bed. This includes phones, laptops, computers, TVs, and anything that transmits blue light! According to research, blue light can interfere with the production of melatonin, our sleep hormone, leading to sleep disturbances and imbalances in our sleep-wake cycle.

#4 Expose Yourself to Natural Morning Light

Exposure to natural light during the day — especially, first thing in the morning — helps regulate your internal clock and promote wakefulness. Take your morning coffee outdoors, take your dog for an early morning stroll, or simply spend time outside or near windows to receive natural sunlight. This can help set your body’s internal clock and promote better sleep at night!

RELATED: 6 Simple Things to Do Before 9 AM For Healthier Choices All Day

#5 Limit Caffeine and Stimulant Intake

Caffeine and other stimulants can interfere with your sleep quality and disrupt your circadian rhythm. Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages or foods close to bedtime, and be mindful of other stimulants, such as nicotine and alcohol, which can also affect your sleep. It’s best to limit or avoid consuming caffeine (especially coffee) in the late afternoon and evening. 

#6 Move More During the Day

Whether it’s a FitOn workout, a walking meditation, or a quick office workout, squeezing in exercise during the day can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week (even if it’s broken up throughout the day). But, be mindful to avoid vigorous exercise too close to bedtime, as it may increase alertness and make it harder to fall asleep!

#7 Create a Calming Bedtime Routine

If you’re lacking a bedtime routine, here’s your sign to make one! A bedtime regime is not only calming and peaceful, but it also helps signal your body that it’s time to unwind and prepare for sleep. This could include reading, taking a warm bath, sipping on sleep-supporting herbal tea, or practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing.

RELATED: 5 Before Bed Habits That Are Surprisingly Good For Weight Loss

#8 Keep Stress Levels In Check

Chronic stress can disrupt your circadian rhythm and negatively impact your sleep quality. Implement stress management techniques into your everyday routine, whether it’s practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, meditating, treating yourself to a spa day, or seeking support from friends, family, or professionals when needed. You can even add stress-busting foods to your diet!

RELATED: Discover The Power of Breath: A Proven Method to Ease Anxiety 

Our Body Loves Routine!

Our bodies thrive on routine, which is why implementing these simple tips into your every day can greatly support the natural functioning of our circadian rhythm. By maintaining consistent sleep schedules, creating a sleep-friendly environment, and managing factors that can disrupt our internal clock, we can help our bodies align with the natural light-dark cycle and optimize our overall well-being.

The post Surprising Ways Our Circadian Rhythm Affects Health + 8 Ways to Support It appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Discover the Power of Breath: A Proven Method to Ease Anxiety https://fitonapp.com/wellness/health/benefits-of-nose-breathing/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 14:37:31 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=87335 Use your breath to support your health & reduce stress.

The post Discover the Power of Breath: A Proven Method to Ease Anxiety appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. From work and school, to relationships and finances, there are many contributing factors. Although occasional stress is a normal part of life, chronic and persistent stress and anxiety can have detrimental effects on both our physical and mental well-being. But, not to worry — this is where proper breathing techniques can be incredibly helpful! Shown to calm our nervous system, reduce cortisol, and boost feel-good hormones like serotonin, there’s a growing body of research that supports the use of nasal breathing for managing stress and anxiety.

Of course, there are a multitude of beneficial breathing techniques out there. But nose breathing, in particular, is a simple and effective tool that’s easy to learn and widely accessible.

So whether you’re dealing with a stressful situation at work, struggling with anxiety, or simply looking for ways to improve your mental and physical health, here’s everything you need to know about the benefits of nose breathing. 

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4 Impressive Benefits of Nose Breathing

Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System

Nose breathing has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, our rest and digest system responsible for calming the body and reducing feelings of stress and anxiety. In fact, there’s research to show it can help to reduce levels of cortisol and improve heart rate variability, which is a measure of stress resilience.

RELATED: 10-Minute Hacks to Reset Your Nervous System

Enhances Cognitive Function & Mental Clarity

Linked to improvements in memory, focus, attention, and clarity, nose breathing has been shown to boost cognitive health by increasing the amount of oxygen and blood flow to the brain. This is because nasal breathing helps to increase the production of nitric oxide, a molecule that helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Studies have shown that nitric oxide can help to regulate the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA and glutamate, which are involved in anxiety and mood regulation. 

Plus, this increased blood flow can help to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, thereby supporting cognitive health! In fact, according to research, nasal breathing has been shown to increase alpha brain wave activity, brain waves associated with a state of relaxed wakefulness, improved attention, and enhanced cognitive performance and focus.

RELATED: The Best Snacks to Beat Mid-Day Brain Fog

Increases Oxygenation

When we breathe through the nose, the air is filtered, humidified, and warmed before it reaches the lungs. This process helps to increase the amount of oxygen that is taken up by the body, which can support optimal health — physically, mentally, and emotionally! We see this through enhanced oxygen uptake during exercise and improvements in stress and anxiety.

Improves Sleep 

Struggling to sleep? Try breathing through your nose! From reducing the risk of sleep-disordered breathing to promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, research shows nasal breathing can positively benefit both sleep quality and quantity.

Thanks to its beneficial effects on the nervous system, research suggests that nasal breathing can help to improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels. And because nasal breathing helps to keep the airways open, it prevents the collapse of the upper airway (which often occurs with mouth breathing), thereby reducing the risk of snoring and sleep apnea.

RELATED: How Better Sleep Can Change Your Life

Simple Tips to Incorporate Nose Breathing Into Your Daily Life

#1 Be Mindful of Your Breath

Be mindful of your breathing throughout the day, and try to breathe through your nose as much as possible. Until it becomes habit, you could even set an alert on your phone or leave yourself a sticky note reminder to check in on your breath.

#2 Adopt a Regular Nose Breathing Routine 

Start your day with some deep nose breathing — even if it’s just for a minute or two! Whether you set up a grounding space or simply take a few deep breaths through your nose before getting out of bed, it’s a great way to kick off your day. If morning doesn’t work for you, set aside a time that works best, and stay consistent!

#3 Use Nasal Breathing During Meditation or Yoga

Aside from adopting a regular nasal breathing practice, try to incorporate this breathing style into other stress-busting routines like meditation and yoga. According to research, it can help deepen these practices and clear your mind!

Breathe Your Way to Better Health

Who would have thought that reducing stress and anxiety could be as easy as incorporating nose breathing into your daily routine? This simple yet powerful practice offers numerous benefits to our physical and mental health, including improved oxygenation, reduced feelings of stress and anxiety, and enhanced cognitive function. So, why not give it a try? Whether you’re exercising, meditating, or going about your daily activities, incorporating nose breathing into your routine can leave you feeling balanced and calm. The best part? It can be practiced anytime, anywhere — even right now! Give it a try and see for yourself.

The post Discover the Power of Breath: A Proven Method to Ease Anxiety appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

30-Day Glowing Skin Challenge https://fitonapp.com/wellness/30-day-glowing-skin-challenge/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 17:00:16 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=54231 You’re one month away from a more radiant you!

The post 30-Day Glowing Skin Challenge appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

If you struggle with acne, blemishes, or fine lines and wrinkles, you’re not alone. Despite the seemingly flawless skin we see flooding our social media feeds, we all have skin insecurities. And don’t be fooled, even celebrities and influencers with “picture perfect” skin struggle with the same insecurities as you and I! But, unfortunately, the rise in filters, face-tuning apps, and cosmetic procedures has skewed our perception of beauty and set unrealistic standards. From poreless complexions to acne and blemish-free skin to enlarged lips and non-existent wrinkles, we are bombarded with images that portray an unattainable and often unnatural version of beauty. This constant exposure to altered and edited images can leave us feeling inadequate and self-conscious about our own skin. In fact, according to a recent poll, nearly 75% of women strongly associate their self-confidence with the condition and appearance of their skin.

But, the truth is, there’s no such thing as “perfect skin” — we all have areas we want to improve! Whether you’re struggling with acne and scars or sunspots and wrinkles, there’s no need to feel embarrassed, insecure, or alone. It’s important to remember that true beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and skin types. Each of us has unique features and imperfections that make us who we are.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel beautiful and confident in your skin! But, rather than chasing unattainable standards, we can achieve healthy skin and a natural radiance by simply nurturing and caring for our skin in ways that promote overall well-being! 

FitOn’s 30-Day Glowing Skin Challenge 

We’ve put together a 30-day healthy skin challenge. With expert beauty advice, product recommendations, and easy-to-implement beauty hacks, this simple (and free) beauty challenge will help you radiate from the inside out. Up for the challenge? You’re one month away from a more radiant you.

Day One: Eat Your Vitamin C

If you want to support the health of your skin, slow the signs of aging, and boost your natural glow, don’t underestimate the power of nutrition. While there are many skin-supporting supplements (more on this below), vitamin C deserves a superstar spotlight. You may know this nutrient as one of the best topicals for healthy skin, but did you know it’s just as powerful when eaten in food form? Loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C-rich foods like citrus, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, and pineapple fight free radical damage to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, inflammation, and lackluster. Vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that helps firm, soften, and smooth the skin. With benefits like these, you’ll want to load up on this nutrient!

To kick off your 30-day challenge, try these tasty ways to boost your Vitamin C:

  • Add a handful of berries and freshly squeezed citrus to your water
  • Snack on kiwi and citrus fruits like oranges, and grapefruit 
  • Make a tropical green smoothie with spinach, kale, lemon, ginger, pineapple, and coconut water 
  • Add some grilled or roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and bell pepper to your dinner menu 

RELATED: The 5 Best Vitamin C Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Day Two: Clean Your Makeup Brushes

When was the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? It might not be at the top of your to-do list, but if you suffer from acne, skin irritations, or itchy skin (and even if you don’t), you may want to make this a higher priority! Not to gross you out, but dirty brushes make a perfect home for dirt, bacteria, and oil. Just think about it — even if you’re applying your makeup to a clean face, brushes can accumulate bacteria from the environment and your makeup bag. And if you share your makeup with a roommate or friend… well, we’ll leave that to your imagination. Let’s just say this is your sign to give your brushes a thorough wash! According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you should be washing your brushes every 7 to 10 days — even after a single use. Rinse up!

Day Three: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Want the secret to dewy, radiant skin? Increase your water intake! It’s that simple. While other factors are, of course, at play, drinking enough water is one of the best (and easiest) things you can do to support your skin. Adequate hydration has been shown to improve blood flow to the skin, improve skin appearance, reduce whole-body inflammation, and flush out toxins. Based on findings from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, men require about 15.5 cups of fluids per day, and women require about 11.5 cups. 

If this sounds like a lot, you can also get about 20% of your hydration needs from the foods you eat. Try filling your summer plate with water-rich foods like cucumber, leafy greens, melon, and celery. Want some extra motivation to step up your sipping? Treat yourself to a new water bottle! Plus, by carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day, you’ll have a visual reminder to stay hydrated and make it easier to meet your daily water intake goals.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Hydration 

Day Four: Give Gua Sha A Try 

Taking whole-body health into consideration, we spoke with Dr. Monica Foitzik, licensed acupuncturist practicing Japanese meridian therapy in San Diego, California. Dr. Foitzik incorporates Kampo herbal medicine, Reiki, moxibustion, and fascial-release massage into her treatments to address everything from pain management and digestive issues to fertility, mental health disorders, and of course, facial rejuvenation.

A simple self-care practice utilized by Dr. Foitzik in her practice? Gua sha! “Don’t forget about your scalp and neck! Many don’t realize how much scalp and neck tension lead to sagging and wrinkled skin,” says Foitzik. “Regular gua sha or self-acupressure are great ways to reduce tension and keep those areas rejuvenated to prevent facial skin deterioration.” If you’re wondering how effective this facial rejuvenation treatment is, a single gua sha treatment has been shown to yield a four-fold increase in microcirculation followed by an immediate reduction in muscle pain. Think of it this way, by increasing blood flow, you’re helping deliver fresh oxygenated blood to an area that can help stimulate the body’s natural healing and repairing process. 

RELATED: Is Gua Sha Really The Secret to Youthful Skin? We Tried it For 7 Days

Day Five: Address The Stress

ICYDK, “[chronic] amounts of unregulated stress can disrupt hormone balance and cause acne,” says Foitzik. “Additionally, high stress typically correlates with other unhealthy habits like poor diet, inadequate sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle. Over time, this lack of healthy routine can lead to dry, irritated skin, and even dull the complexion (depending on how depleted your body is).” This isn’t a one-size-fits-all skin issue, either. Stress can trigger and exacerbate a variety of skin disorders, affecting everything from rosacea and psoriasis to acne and eczema.  

While stress isn’t always avoidable, managing stress with a regular self-care practice can prevent symptoms from occurring and worsening. Plus, it can help keep your skin condition from stressing you out even more! “Acupuncture, energy work, and different forms of therapy are good ways to start getting to the root causes of stress. Plus, [the feel-good effects of these mind-body practices] can trigger the will you need to build healthy habits in other areas such as diet, exercise, and meditation, which will support your skin (and overall health) even further” says Foitzik. 

  • Try a simple meditation to calm your mind and ground your body
  • Book an acupuncture appointment 
  • Roll out your mat for a calming yoga flow
  • Try a guided Box Breathing exercise
  • Take an Epsom salt bath with stress-reducing essential oils like lavender 

Day Six: Anti-Aging Skincare Supplements 

Now that you’re nearly a week into your 30-day skincare challenge let’s talk skincare supplements for natural skin aging. Let’s be honest — we all want to find the ingredients in the fountain of youth. While everybody is different (and various skin types call for various supplements), “two major anti-aging and rejuvenating supplements are collagen and hyaluronic acid,” says Foitzik. As we mentioned on day one (when talking about Vitamin C), collagen is a must-have nutrient for skin support! In addition to increasing your intake of collagen-stimulating nutrients, adding a collagen supplement may be worthwhile if you’re looking to slow down the aging clock. 


Though this supplement may be trendy, science supports its use. According to recent studies, skin elasticity, hydration, and dermal collagen density all improved with collagen supplementation. In fact, supplementation has been shown to reverse the loss of age-related collagen synthesis, helping to prevent fine lines and wrinkles and maintain our youthful appearance

Hyaluronic Acid:

As for hyaluronic acid, recent evidence shows improved beauty benefits with supplementation of this skin nutrient. In a recent 12-week, double-blind study, daily supplementation of hyaluronic acid showed a significant improvement in water loss, skin elasticity, wrinkles, and overall skin condition.

While supplements aren’t a quick-fix aging solution, they can offer significant support alongside other healthy lifestyle factors like stress management, proper sleep, and a healthy diet!

Day Seven: DIY Honey Face Mask 

You’ve completed one week of your skincare challenge! While these lifestyle and beauty routine changes may seem simple, small habits add up over time (and make for long-lasting results). And when it comes to our skin health, we’re in it for the long haul! 

To cap off your week, it’s time for a little extra TLC — a DIY facemask. Simple, effective, and made with one ingredient: raw honey. Thanks to its natural antioxidants, enzymes, and antibacterial properties, raw honey can do wonders for your skin. 

The benefits of honey: 

  • Deeply hydrates and moisturizes the skin
  • Cleanse the pores and rid bacteria
  • Gently exfoliates without causing irritation or inflammation
  • Evens skin tone and improves scars
  • Improve skin tone and brightens the complexion

Simply apply 1-3 teaspoons of honey onto clean skin and let it sit for 5-30 minutes. Want to enhance your glow? Customize your mask with additional ingredients such as a splash of lemon juice to brighten your complexion or aloe vera gel to enhance skin moisture. 

Day Eight: Swap Your Coffee For Matcha 

Start the week off strong with this simple swap. Aside from reducing caffeine jitters and avoiding a caffeine crash, making the switch to matcha comes with a host of glowing skin benefits. Matcha is particularly rich in EGCG, a powerful antioxidant with many skin-protective benefits. In fact, this active ingredient is often extracted and added to skincare products thanks to its beneficial effects on skin hydration and retention, wrinkle formation, and anti-aging support. If that wasn’t enough to convince you, the polyphenols found in this green dream powder have been shown to protect the skin from UV damage and the stress of environmental pollution. 

We’re not saying you have to give up coffee forever, but try challenging yourself for the remainder of the month! Trust us — your skin will thank you.

RELATED: I Swapped My Coffee With Matcha For a Week & Here’s What Happened to My Energy 

Day Nine: Make SPF Your BFF

When it comes to supporting your skin, SPF is your BFF. Simply put, it’s the all-mighty barrier that protects your skin from the harsh summer ray. 

But, it’s not enough to just slather any old sunscreen on and call it a day! Unfortunately, many conventional sunscreen brands contain toxic ingredients like endocrine disruptors and parabens. The good news? There are so many clean and green SPF brands on the market! Some of our favorites include: Coola SPF, Cocokind SPF, and Supergoop

Day Ten: Treat Yourself to a (Weekly) Spa Night! 

It’s time to treat yourself, and your skin! Pick a day each week where you do an extended skincare routine, says Foitzik. “Spend 2-3 extra minutes massaging your favorite cleanser into your skin, getting all the nooks and crannies (like around your nose, hairline, and behind the ears) then gently rinse with cool water and pat dry. If you utilize a derma roller in your routine, this is a good time to utilize one (I like Environ’s cosmetic gold roller). Follow with your serums — I typically rotate ones that incorporate hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. Next, massage a facial oil — argan, sea buckthorn, and jojoba oils are great options — and then gua sha! Utilize intuitive strokes up and outward from the center of the face,” says Foitzik. “I personally love using gua sha tools made of stones, like rose quartz, jade, and amethyst. To finish, you’ll want to apply a moisturizing mask. Or, simply apply your moisturizer and eye serum or cream.” 

For the best results, try making this a habitual part of your skincare and self-care routine. Maybe a Friday night in or self-care Sunday – you can even invite your girlfriends to join and make it a weekly ritual! 

Day Eleven: Change Your Pillow Cover

Sounds simple, right? But, how often are you really doing this? Regularly changing your pillowcase is one of the easiest (and most effective) ways to reduce breakouts and prevent potential skin issues. Similar to makeup brushes, dirt, oil, sweat, and pollutants from the air can get trapped in your pillowcase and build up over time –— even if you’re going to bed with a clean face. So, if you cradle your face into your plush pillow every night and snooze away, there’s a high likelihood of irritating your skin (among other things). 

At the very least, try to change your pillowcase once a week (even if you prolong your sheet washing a tad more). It doesn’t have to be anything time-consuming, either. When you wash your clothes, simply toss your pillowcase in the load! 

If you’re extra acne-prone, you may want to consider swapping out your pillowcase on a more frequent basis (a few times a week, even daily).

Day Twelve: Load Up on Antioxidants

Load up your diet with antioxidant-rich fruits like juicy summer cherries, vibrant berries, and fresh pomegranate seeds. Foods with a vibrant red, blue, or purple pigment are full of nutrients like anthocyanins, polyphenols, and potent antioxidants — some of the best foods for your skin! 

Here are some ways to enjoy them in your summer diet:

  • Add fresh berries to your overnight oats or yogurt bowl
  • Blend up an antioxidant-rich smoothie full of berries, cherries, spinach, almond butter, and almond milk 
  • Enjoy a fresh fruit salad full of seasonal picks
  • Top your salad with blueberries or strawberries for all-natural sweetness

Another tasty antioxidant-rich option is this FitOn Superfood Acai Bowl! Naturally sweetened and jam-packed with antioxidants, your skin will love it as much as your tastebuds.


  • 1 serving/packet of frozen acai
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • ¼ cup coconut milk
  • Banana, sliced, to serve
  • Gluten free granola, to serve
  • Shredded coconut, to serve


Step #1: Place all of the ingredients minus the toppings in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

Step #2: Pour into a bowl and top with desired toppings. Serve and enjoy!

Day Thirteen: Sweat it Out for Healthy Blood Flow 

The post-workout glow is real! In addition to supporting your summer health and fitness goals, reducing stress, and supporting sleep, sweating it out with a regular exercise routine can benefit your skin! 

Every time you exercise, you’re increasing blood circulation and sending fresh, nutrient-rich blood to your skin. In addition to supplying your skin with vital nutrients and fresh oxygen, you’re supporting your lymphatic system in the removal of waste products. This promotes new cell growth, slows skin aging, stimulates collagen production, and reduces toxic build-up in the body (which can lead to acne and other skin disorders).

The key is staying consistent. Use this skin challenge as an opportunity to try something new! Press play on a new class in the FitOn app, try a new studio, or change up the scenery and take your workout outdoors.

Day Fourteen: Add a Vitamin C Serum

You’ve completed two weeks of your 30-day skincare challenge! Treat yourself to a new product. Our favorite? Vitamin C serum! While there are many products on the shelves, sometimes less is more. Rich in antioxidants, topical vitamin C has been shown to improve skin tone, brighten the complexion, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and prevent premature skin aging. 

Your product doesn’t have to be pricey to be effective, either! This Maelove Glow Maker Vitamin C Serum is affordable, effective, and a worthwhile addition to any beauty routine.

Day Fifteen: Upgrade Your Beauty Products

Now that you’re halfway through your skin challenge, it’s time to rid some toxic habits (and products)! Similar to your SPF, going green with your beauty products is important — for both your skin and your body. 

Conventional beauty products (including makeup, deodorant, face wash, haircare, and skincare products) are often made with toxic ingredients that can damage your skin and your health. The reality? There are more than 10,000 chemicals used in the formulation of conventional cosmetics. The bottom line? It’s important to be your own advocate — always read the ingredient labels! 

Whether you do it all in one day or over the course of the month, take the time to go through all of your beauty products. Break up with those toxins once and for all!

RELATED: The Best Green Skincare Products For All Skin Types

Day Sixteen: Rinse With Care

You wash away the impurities from the day by cleansing your face every evening. Bravo! While routinely washing your face is important, the way in which you wash it matters too. 

“Avoid hot water on your face,” says Foitzik. “Hot water can be very drying to the skin. Although I’m not an advocate of ice or anything super cold, washing and rinsing with cool water helps prevent dryness and reduces inflammation on the face.” Adding a little mindfulness to your routine can go a long way in supporting your skin.

Day Seventeen: Cleanse Your Post-Workout Routine

Speaking of face washing, your post-workout routine is just as important — especially if you’re wearing makeup or getting extra sweaty. If you have access to a bathroom or shower, take extra care to wash and cleanse your skin! Don’t have time? Pack non-toxic facial wipes for a quick fix. If you’re acne-prone, try a brand that uses salicylic acid like these gentle yet effective wipes.

BTW — sweating is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. If you plan to sweat it out, pack a change of clothes to avoid acne, eczema, inflammation, and irritation. And if possible, bring your own personal care items (like shampoo and deodorant) to avoid potential toxin exposure from conventional product use.

Day Eighteen: Get Your Beauty Sleep

It’s called beauty sleep for a reason! When you sleep, your body switches into the parasympathetic rest and digest state — this is the time for your body to repair and rebuild. Ideally, at the very least, you should be getting 7 hours of sleep per night. That said, life is busy and sometimes this doesn’t happen. But, can you challenge yourself to make (at least) one healthy upgrade to your sleep routine? Aside from supporting weight loss, boosting energy, and improving immune function, sleep is necessary for glowing, radiant skin.    

RELATED: 14-Day Better Sleep Challenge

Day Nineteen: Avoid Touching Your Face

We all know the importance of washing (and sanitizing and cleansing… ) our hands. 

But, even with all the hand sanitizer, touching your face is still a big no-no — especially if you’re acne-prone or have sensitive and oily skin. You might not realize it, but you’re constantly coming into contact with germs and bacteria. From touching your phone and computer screen to opening doors and spending time in communal areas, germs can easily make their way onto your hands. When you touch your face, you’re spreading that bacteria which can lead to clogged pores, inflammation, irritation, and breakouts. Of course, there are many factors at play, but rubbing your face is a habit you’ll want to avoid. 

Day Twenty: Swap Cocktails for Mocktails

We get it, it’s summer — sometimes a cocktail (or two) feels nice. But, unfortunately, your skin would disagree! First of all, alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the skin. This can lead to swollen, puffy eyes, dry flaky skin, inflammation, and rosacea. And because it disrupts your circadian rhythm, routinely consuming alcohol can lead to dark circles or bags under the eyes — and who wants that? 

Plus, alcohol is pro-inflammatory — it can trigger oxidative stress, expose our body to free radicals, and speed skin aging. The exact opposite of what we want to happen! That said, the occasional boozy beverage isn’t going to damage your skin — it’s all about balance. 

But, why not swap your cocktail for a mocktail? You’ll be reducing inflammation, avoiding dehydration, and preventing oxidative damage! Sounds like a win-win-win.

Need some inspiration? Try this hydrating summer mocktail:

Hydrating Summer Mocktail 


  • Crushed ice
  • ½ cup pure watermelon juice, unsweetened
  • ½ – 1 cup sparkling or seltzer water
  • 1-2 tbsp lime juice, freshly squeezed
  • Fresh mint, to taste 


Step #1: Pour watermelon and lime juice over an ice-filled glass. Next, top with sparkling water and stir to combine.

Step #2: Garnish with fresh lime and mint. Enjoy!

RELATED: Alcohol-Free Beverages Are Here to Stay: Try These 10 Refreshing Ways to Enjoy Them 

Day Twenty-One: Book a Facial Or Microneedling Treatment

Wondering if microneedling is worth the hype? Trust us, you’ll want to book an appointment ASAP. “Microneedling was one of the biggest game-changers to my skin,” says Foitzik. “I used to suffer from hormonal acne and breakouts that would easily scar. Microneedling has helped to gently resurface my skin, encourage cell turnover, and increase collagen and elastin production. I typically recommend patients do a minimum of a series of 3 sessions spaced out 4-6 weeks to see results. [And to address the root cause] I offer holistic microneedling sessions, which incorporate LED light therapy and body acupuncture to provide internal healing simultaneously.”

Day Twenty-Two: Be Mindful of Your Sugar Intake 

While we’re on the topic of nutrition, it’s time to address the sneaky sugars and inflammatory foods in your diet! Steer clear of processed ingredients, artificial sweeteners, and refined oils — these are some of the biggest culprits when it comes to skin (and whole-body) inflammation. Do a pantry cleanout, read the ingredient labels of (all) foods, and cook at home whenever possible! What you put inside your body reflects on the outside!

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Your Sugar Intake

Day Twenty-Three: Eat the Rainbow

Now that you’ve kicked those sneaky sources of sugar (and other inflammatory foods) to the curb, it’s time to load up your diet with good-for-you nutrients! Instead of focusing on what you should subtract from your diet, consider all the nutrient-dense foods you could add. Try to “eat the rainbow” and fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and veggies. The more colors you eat, the more nutrients (like skin-supporting antioxidants, polyphenols, and carotenoids) you’ll get! 

RELATED: The Best 10 Foods For Glowing Skin

Day Twenty-Four: Make A Pitcher of Antioxidant-Rich Skin Food Water

By now, you should be a water-drinking pro. After all, hydrated skin = radiant skin!

To enhance the glow even more, try making a big batch of antioxidant-infused water and keeping it on hand at all times. Add ingredients like fresh berries, cooling mint, freshly squeezed citrus, and even cinnamon or cayenne. Drink up and soak in all the benefits!

Day Twenty-Five: Toss Expired Products

You’ve tossed your toxic products, but there’s one more thing to address: expired products! Yes, we’re talking about the endless array of oils, facemasks, and “clean” beauty products collecting dust on your shelves. If you’re anything like us, you probably have products that expired months ago (maybe even years). They might be loaded with active ingredients, pure botanicals, and powerful essential oils, but if these products are expired, they’re not doing much to support your skin. 

And depending on how long they’ve been on the shelf (no judgment), these products could even grow bacteria or become rancid. Not so pretty, I know. Check your labels, friends! 

Day Twenty-Six: Go Makeup-Free 

Today we challenge you to go au naturel — go makeup-free and let your skin breathe! While makeup and foundation can give our skin a flawless sparkle, constantly bogging down your pores with heavy makeup and products can take a toll over time. Even if you’re a master face washer, there’s probably residual makeup and oil lingering on your skin. As you can imagine, this can lead to clogged pores, breakouts, and inflammation. 

All this aside, going makeup-free can help build your self-confidence. Whether your skin is acne-scarred, irritated, bumpy, or dry, your skin is beautiful. We all have imperfections, but it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Embrace your imperfections and learn to love the skin you were born with! 

Day Twenty-Seven: Address Your Gut Health

Your gut health impacts just about everything — including your skin. 

Research shows a direct correlation between the two — improved gut health is linked to improved skin health whereas poor gut health is associated with skin conditions such as rosacea, psoriasis, and dermatitis. In fact, it even has its own name: the gut-skin axis

Can you challenge yourself to reduce gut inflammation (and support your skin in the process)? Adding in probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kimchi, reducing stress, and avoiding inflammatory triggers like processed foods and alcohol is a great place to start!

Day Twenty-Eight: Book an Infrared Sauna Sesh

Different from traditional saunas, infrared saunas penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in a deeper detox. This helps reduce inflammation, improve lymphatic flow, and heal the skin on a cellular level. Needless to say, it’s the ultimate skincare support. And as an added bonus, a hot and sweaty sauna sesh is one of the best ways to regulate your nervous system. This means you get to destress your mind while you detox your body!

Day Twenty-Nine: Address Hormonal Acne The Natural Way

If you’re struggling with hormonal acne, we feel your pain. Though it’s more normal than you think, we get it — breakouts can be painful, embarrassing, and impossible to get rid of. Consider addressing your acne from the inside out. “Two major supplements for balancing acne due to hormone irregularity are Saw Palmetto and DIM,” says Foitzik. While more research is needed, these natural plant compounds may help regulate hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone) that contribute to hormone and stress-induced irritation.

That said, everyone has different skin — there is no one-size-fits-all solution. “I highly recommend seeking the expertise of an acupuncturist and herbalist who can help heal and regulate any internal disharmonies that can be leading to poor skin health,” says Foitzik.

Day Thirty: Skip the Botox & Treat Yourself to a Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatment

Day 30! It’s time to celebrate your skin-care success with the ultimate skin-loving treat: a cosmetic acupuncture treatment. As a natural alternative to botox and fillers, this is the perfect way to cap off your month and take your skin support to the next level.

Let’s face it, we all want to preserve our youth. So, why not do it naturally? “Although facial acupuncture might not be as dramatic as botox or fillers in one session, multiple sessions (typically 10-12 per concern) help you achieve the skin you desire while enhancing your internal health, too,” says Foitzik. During facial acupuncture sessions, needles are applied to both the face and the body.” By addressing the internal and external state of the body, the results are not only effective, but they’re also long-lasting! 

“In my personal practice, facial acupuncture sessions are 90-minute deep relaxation treatments consisting of a unique combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, gua sha, massage, facial cupping, LED light therapy, skincare, and even energy work. Post-treatment, herbs, supplements, diet, and lifestyle advice are also provided.” Essentially, addressing the health of the body (and thus skin) from all aspects — mind, body, and spirit! 

Feel Beautiful In Your Skin

30 days and 30 ways to support your skin, improve your health, and feel good from the inside out. From all-natural product advice to diet and lifestyle hacks, you have all the tools you need to unleash your inner beauty. Perform this challenge anytime you’re needing some extra skin (or self) love. And of course, feel free to customize this challenge, adding or modifying any tips and tricks to best suit your needs.  

The post 30-Day Glowing Skin Challenge appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Yoga Nidra For Sleep https://fitonapp.com/wellness/yoga-nidra-for-sleep/ Tue, 23 May 2023 15:22:02 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=86712 Use this sleep hack to get your best night's sleep every night.

The post The Life-Changing Benefits of Yoga Nidra For Sleep appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

With numerous benefits for both the mind and body, Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice that has steadily gained popularity in the modern wellness world as a powerful tool for deep relaxation and meditation. Shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia and boost relaxation and rejuvenation, many wellness enthusiasts have turned to Yoga Nidra as a way to boost their overall well-being and benefit their sleep. 

While Yoga Nidra shares similarities to both meditation and yoga, it’s a distinct practice with its own unique characteristics and benefits. And, it’s worthy of a spotlight!

Read on to learn what Yoga Nidra is, its wide range of health benefits, and how you can seamlessly incorporate Yoga Nidra into your daily routine to benefit your health and boost your sleep regime.

What Is Yoga Nidra?

The term “Yoga Nidra” comes from the Sanskrit words for “yoga” (union) and “nidra” (sleep), and it is often referred to as “yogic sleep.” However, it is not actual sleep, but rather a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Unlike yoga and meditation, which are more (physically and mentally) active practices, Yoga Nidra is a more restful and passive practice. 

During this practice, you simply lay down in a comfortable position and listen. Once comfortable, you’re guided through a series of relaxation techniques, breath work, and visualizations that allow you to reach a state of deep relaxation.

Because it requires minimal physical effort and can be done from the comfort of your home, Yoga Nidra has become a trendy wellness hack, as it’s easily accessible to anyone looking to benefit their sleep and improve their mental and physical health.

Speaking of benefits, let’s get into it!

The Health Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Shown to benefit both the mind and body, Yoga Nidra may help to:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Boost creativity and productivity
  • Increase self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Promote deep relaxation and inner peace
  • Enhance concentration and focus
  • Lower blood pressure and heart rate
  • Relieve chronic pain and tension
  • Improve digestion and immune function
  • Improves overall health and well-being

Is Yoga Nidra the Secret to Restful Sleep? Bedtime Benefits You Should Know About

In addition to all the aforementioned health benefits, Yoga Nidra can be a particularly effective tool for improving sleep quality and promoting healthy sleep habits! Here are some of the health benefits of Yoga Nidra for sleep:

Soothes the Mind and Reduces Racing Thoughts

If you’re anything like other sleep-deprived individuals, you probably wrestle with a mind that just won’t quit. It’s always racing with thoughts and worries, making catching some quality shut-eye seem like an elusive dream. Lucky for you, Yoga Nidra can help. 

Yoga Nidra provides a structured and guided method for relaxation that can help to quiet the mind and reduce mental chatter. By focusing on breathwork, body sensations, and visualizations, Yoga Nidra allows you to redirect your attention away from distracting thoughts and into a state of deep relaxation. This can help to reduce those feelings of stress, anxiety, and worry (the pesky ones that keep you awake at night).

In fact, by entering a deep state of calm, you can slow your brain wave frequency and help reduce your thoughts (from 35 thoughts per minute to 1-3), and your body slows the production of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) as the parasympathetic nervous system kicks into gear.

Promotes a More Restful and Restorative Sleep

Yoga Nidra helps promote deep relaxation of the body and mind, which can, in turn, support more restful and restorative sleep. Here’s how.

When we’re stressed or anxious, our bodies can remain in a state of heightened tension (i.e., a state of fight or flight). During this time, cortisol (our stress hormone) remains stimulated, when it should normally be shutting down. This disrupts our circadian rhythm, making it difficult to fully relax and enter a deep sleep. But, research has shown Yoga Nidra can help shift your body into a parasympathetic state! 

The parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the “rest and digest” system, is responsible for regulating many bodily functions during times of relaxation and rest. When activated, the heart rate slows, breathing becomes slower and deeper, and the body enters a state of deep relaxation.

A study published in the International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that practicing Yoga Nidra was associated with a significant increase in heart rate variability, which is a measure of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In addition to this study, which suggests that Yoga Nidra can help to shift the body into a parasympathetic state, additional research has shown that a single session of Yoga Nidra is associated with significant increases in parasympathetic activity and decreases in sympathetic activity! Good news for your sleep health.

RELATED: 9 Ways To Get a Better Night’s Sleep When Stressed

Regulates Our Circadian Rhythm and Helps Promote a More Consistent Sleep Schedule

Regular practice of Yoga Nidra can help to reset the body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up at consistent times!

So, how does this work? Well, as we mentioned before, Yoga Nidra helps promote relaxation by shifting the body out of a sympathetic stress state and into a calming parasympathetic state. Specifically, it does this by helping to reduce the production of cortisol, a stress hormone that can interfere with sleep, while increasing the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep.

By regulating the production of these hormones and neurotransmitters, we, in turn, regulate our circadian rhythm!

How Long Should I Practice Yoga Nidra For?

Good news! If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, suggests Yoga Nidra may be a simple sleep solution.

According to Huberman, Yoga Nidra (a type of “non-sleep deep rest”) can enhance neuroplasticity, induce a state of calm, and elicit a “pseudo sleep” state. And, if your schedule is jam-packed, you’ll be happy to know it’s not something you need to do every day or for hours on end. Anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes has shown to be beneficial.

However, regular practice (one to several times per week) is ideal if you want to achieve the maximum benefits of this practice. Of course, the frequency of your Yoga Nidra practice will depend on your personal needs, goals, and schedule. Some people may benefit from practicing Yoga Nidra on a daily basis, while others may find that practicing a few times a week is sufficient. But, even practicing for just a few minutes can provide a sense of relaxation and calm!

How To Get Started with a Yoga Nidra Practice For Sleep

First, determine the time of day that will most benefit you. If you struggle to get a restful night of sleep, try pressing play on a Yoga Nidra meditation before starting your day. If your afternoon energy is low, find a time to lay down mid-day and recharge your energy with a 10 or 20-minute session. If your mind is buzzing at night, try a Sleep Yoga Nidra meditation to relax your mind and body and prep yourself for a peaceful slumber.

Because it’s a guided practice, all you have to do is lay back, get comfortable, and let a practitioner guide you through the practice. 

This practice is about shutting off — let us guide you through the work! 

If you’re ready to get started, get comfy and head to the FitOn App for these powerful Yoga Nidra Practices with DeAndre Sinette:

Snooze Away With Yogic Sleep

From relaxing your mind and body to reducing levels of cortisol to improving the quality and quantity of sleep, there are so many reasons to get started with Yoga Nidra. That said, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to your Yoga Nidra practice for sleep. It’s important to listen to your body and find a frequency and style that works for you!

The post The Life-Changing Benefits of Yoga Nidra For Sleep appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

9 Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Habits to Practice Daily https://fitonapp.com/wellness/anti-inflammatory-habits/ Mon, 22 May 2023 14:35:20 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=86597 Lifestyle hacks that nourish, energize, and transform you from the inside out.

The post 9 Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Habits to Practice Daily appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Did you know inflammation is a natural response by our bodies to protect and heal against injury or infection? That’s right, not all inflammation is bad! In acute instances, inflammation is actually healthy. Chronic inflammation, however, is another story — when persistent, inflammation can wreak havoc on the body. The good news is that we have the power to fight inflammation through simple (yet effective) lifestyle habits! 

Ahead, are nine anti-inflammation habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine with ease.

Boost Your Daily Routine With These 9 Anti-Inflammatory Habits

#1 Nourish Your Body with Anti-Inflammatory Foods

The saying “you are what you eat” holds true when it comes to combating inflammation. So, incorporating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods — such as fatty fish, leafy greens, and antioxidant-rich berries into your meals is a great anti-inflammation habit. 

Rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, here are some top anti-inflammatory foods to add to your plate:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel
  • Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and chard
  • Antioxidant-rich, low-sugar fruits like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries 
  • Omega-rich nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds, and hemp seeds
  • Anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric and ginger 
  • Healthy fats such as avocados, olive oil, and coconut 

RELATED: 5 Anti-inflammatory Foods You Should Be Eating Regularly

#2 Limit Processed Foods

Speaking of our diet, let’s talk about processed foods. Refined and processed foods often lack essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as the refining process strips away many beneficial components. Instead, they are typically high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives. These ingredients can disrupt the body’s delicate balance, triggering inflammation.

Here are some of the biggest culprits to look out for:

  • Added sugars: Excessive amounts of sugar can lead to a rapid spike in blood glucose levels, triggering the release of insulin to restore levels to a normal range. Over time, this constant surge in insulin can contribute to insulin resistance and inflammation.
  • Refined carbohydrates: Pasta, pizza, white flour, and sugary cereals are examples of refined carbs that, when consumed, are quickly broken down into simple sugars and rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Similar to the consumption of excess sugars, this leads to a rapid rise and drop in insulin levels, which can trigger a cascade of inflammatory responses. 
  • Refined & Hydrogenated oils: Commonly found in processed snacks, fried foods, baked goods, and many sneaky store-bought items, these oils can lead to chronic inflammation and an increased risk of chronic health concerns

RELATED: 13 Sneaky Inflammatory Foods to Remove From Your Kitchen

#3 Sip Smart

Another inflammation-inducing culprit to be aware of is alcohol. While the occasional drink or two is nothing to stress over, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation and chronic health conditions. Limit your alcohol intake or opt for healthier alternatives like mocktails, herbal teas, sparkling alternatives, or infused water!

RELATED: Can You Drink Alcohol if You’re Trying to Lose Weight

#4 Keep Your Gut Happy & Healthy 

Home to trillions of beneficial bacteria, our gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and inflammation regulation. When balanced, our gut helps regulate immune cells and inflammation. However, imbalances in the gut microbiota, known as dysbiosis, can lead to a dysfunctional immune response and, in turn, chronic low-grade inflammation. 

The good news is that by nourishing your gut microbiota, you can help reduce inflammation and help support overall health. 

Here are some gut-healthy hacks to consider:

  • Consume probiotic-rich foods, such as Greek yogurt and fermented foods 
  • Incorporate prebiotic fibers from fruits, veggies, and whole grains (such as onions, garlic, and asparagus)
  • Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods and artificial sweeteners (which can disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome)

RELATED: The Best Foods For a Healthier Gut According to an RD

#5 Stay Hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for fighting inflammation, not to mention maintaining a healthy gut, improving energy, and aiding digestion. Additionally, staying hydrated helps with the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste products from the body, which plays a role in regulating inflammation. 

Make it a habit to carry a water bottle with you throughout the day as a reminder to drink water regularly! You can also include herbal teas and infused water for added flavor and an extra antioxidant boost!

RELATED: Drink More Water With These 8 Hydration Hacks

#6 Make Exercise a Priority

Regular physical activity is an effective and powerful anti-inflammatory habit. For starters, engaging in exercise improves blood circulation, facilitating the optimal delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your body’s tissues and organs. By promoting better circulation, exercise helps reduce inflammation throughout your body. And that’s not all! Exercise also plays a vital role in regulating insulin levels, which is crucial for keeping inflammation in check. By enhancing insulin sensitivity, it helps reduce the risk of insulin resistance — a common culprit behind chronic inflammation in conditions like type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of movement, whether it’s a walk, yoga class, or FitOn workout! And remember, even small steps toward regular physical activity can make a big difference.

#7 Keep Stress Levels in Check 

According to research, there is a clear link between chronic stress and inflammation. So, finding ways to manage stress is crucial. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, set aside dedicated time each day to engage in stress-reducing practices! This could even include spending more time in nature, practicing gratitude, or checking in with your therapist or another medical professional.

RELATED: 10 Stress-Reducing Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

#8 Get Quality Sleep

Let’s face it — adequate sleep is crucial for just about everything — including reducing inflammation in your body. When you consistently get quality sleep, you give your body the opportunity to heal, restore, and regulate various processes that contribute to overall well-being.

During sleep, your body produces cytokines, proteins that help regulate inflammation and immune responses. Getting sufficient sleep ensures that these cytokines are produced and released in the right balance, promoting a healthy inflammatory response. On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt the production of these proteins, leading to increased inflammation.

To improve sleep quality, aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, establish a relaxing bedtime routine, and limit exposure to electronic devices before bed!

RELATED: 14-Day Better Sleep Challenge

#9 Practice Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is a simple anti-inflammation practice to sneak into your daily routine! It involves paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues and making conscious food choices. Give it a try by slowing down and savoring your meals, and focusing on the flavors, textures, and sensations!

Bust Inflammation and Supercharge Your Health

Incorporating these nine anti-inflammation habits into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. By nourishing your body with anti-inflammatory foods, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, managing stress, prioritizing sleep, practicing mindful eating, and maintaining a healthy weight, you can proactively combat inflammation and promote a healthier, more vibrant you! Your anti-inflammatory lifestyle awaits.

The post 9 Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle Habits to Practice Daily appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Serotonin 101: Unlocking the Secrets of the Happiness Hormone https://fitonapp.com/wellness/serotonin-the-happiness-hormone/ Wed, 10 May 2023 20:28:26 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=86061 Simple daily habits to harness your happy hormone!

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What if you could ‘hack’ your happiness to experience more frequent and intense feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and well-being? Well, thanks to our neurotransmitters, it turns out, you can! Certain neurotransmitters in the brain — including serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins — are primarily responsible for regulating feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and mood. Dopamine and endorphins, nicknamed our “feel-good” hormones, are best known for their role in regulating motivation, pleasure, and pain relief. As for regulating happiness, mood, and mental health? We have serotonin to thank for that! While all of these neurotransmitters work together to regulate our emotions and overall well-being, optimizing serotonin is key when it comes to boosting happiness.

Luckily, there are natural ways to boost serotonin levels in the brain through simple lifestyle modifications, such as practicing meditation, engaging in regular exercise, and making dietary changes. By optimizing your serotonin levels through these practices, research shows you may be able to enhance your mental health and happiness

Ahead, everything you need to know about how to unlock your “happy hormone” — serotonin! Including, what it is, how it works, and the best natural ways to boost it.

But first, what is serotonin?

What is Serotonin?

Serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone,” plays a significant role in regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. This neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger used to transmit signals to other neurons) is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which is obtained through the diet. It’s primarily produced in the gut, where it helps to promote feelings of happiness, well-being, and relaxation.

Once produced, serotonin is released into the bloodstream and carried to different parts of the body, where it acts on specific receptors to produce various effects.

With so many important functions, let’s dive a little deeper.

3 Surprising Facts About Serotonin 

#1 Serotonin is Responsible For Regulating Happiness & Well-Being

To no surprise, one of the main functions of serotonin is to regulate mood and emotional state! This is where it gets its name, “the happy hormone,” as it helps to promote feelings of happiness, contentment, and relaxation. 

#2 The Majority of Serotonin Is Produced in the Gut (Not The Brain!)

While a small amount of serotonin is produced in tissues like the brain, approximately 95% of serotonin is produced in the gut! This is important for several reasons. First, serotonin plays a crucial role in gastrointestinal (GI) function and metabolism — it’s been shown to promote intestinal motility, enhance nutrient absorption, and regulate appetite and digestion. 

And if you’ve heard of the gut-brain connection, this is the link! Interestingly, there is a bidirectional communication pathway between the gut and the brain, known as the gut-brain axis. The gut produces and sends signals to the brain, and the brain can also influence the gut’s activities. This communication system is essential for maintaining a healthy gut and overall body function, where it’s been shown to regulate the immune system, manage stress, and ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. In fact, the gut-brain axis has become a crucial area of study for researchers looking to understand the underlying mechanisms of various digestive and mental health conditions. 

#3 Serotonin & Melatonin Are Closely Related, Thus It Helps with Sleep!

Serotonin and melatonin (our sleep hormone) are closely related, as melatonin is derived from serotonin and plays a role in regulating sleep. When serotonin levels are high, they can be converted into melatonin, helping to promote a restful night of sleep.

And when it comes to regulating our sleep-wake cycle, both hormones are understandably important. Unlike melatonin, which is highest at night, serotonin levels are typically highest during the day when we’re awake and active. When balanced, serotonin should decrease as melatonin begins to rise (thus, helping prepare our body for sleep). But, when serotonin is deficient, research shows that it can lead to a disruption in the sleep-wake cycle, causing difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. 

Boosting Serotonin Levels Naturally 

#1 Opt for Daily Sunlight Exposure

Did you know that daily sunlight could boost your serotonin levels? Ideally, try to get sunlight exposure in the morning, as this can help to regulate your body’s internal clock and promote better sleep at night!

#2 Exercise Regularly

Research has shown that exercise — especially aerobic exercise like running (we all know and love that runner’s high!) — can increase the production and release of serotonin in the brain. So if you’re wondering why you feel so good after a workout, now you know!

RELATED: 5 Feel-Good Workouts To Boost Your Mood in Under 30 Minutes

#3 Manage Stress

While chronic stress has been shown to decrease serotonin levels, indulging in stress-reducing activities like meditation and self-care can help naturally boost serotonin levels! This could be taking a warm bath, listening to music, practicing yoga, or spending time with loved ones.

RELATED: 10 Stress-Reducing Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

#4 Nourish Your Gut 

Going back to the gut-brain connection, a gut-healthy, balanced diet can help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which in turn can help to produce more serotonin.

This includes foods such as: Fibrous fruits and veggies, whole grains, and fermented foods rich in probiotics like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

RELATED: The Best Foods For a Healthier Gut According to an RD

#5 Prioritize The Basics

We can’t forget about the basics when it comes to finding balance and supporting healthy serotonin levels. Be sure you’re fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods, keeping your blood sugar levels stable, optimizing your sleep habits, and doing more of the things that bring you joy!

How to Harness The Benefits Of Your Happy Hormone For a Happy, Healthy Life

From regulating our mood and happiness to promoting restful sleep and aiding in digestion, serotonin plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. And supporting the benefits of this happiness hormone can be as simple as incorporating daily serotonin-boosting practices (such as regular exercise, exposure to sunlight, and increased consumption of tryptophan-rich foods) into your routine! So, whether you’re looking to relieve stress, boost your mood, or simply bring more ease into your day, these serotonin hacks are a great place to start. Start incorporating them into your daily routine and feel the positive effects radiate through your body and mind!

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How 15 Minutes of Meditation Per Day Can Change Your Life https://fitonapp.com/wellness/how-many-minutes-of-meditation-per-day/ Mon, 08 May 2023 15:51:21 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=86146 It’s as simple as taking a few minutes to breathe!

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The ancient practice of meditation is nothing new. In fact, this mind-body practice has been around for thousands of years and has positively impacted the lives of millions of people across the globe. Despite its ancient roots, meditation continues to gain popularity in modern wellness as a simple yet powerful tool for improving mental and physical health. With its science-backed ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase mindfulness, more and more people are turning to meditation as a way to benefit their mind and body in today’s fast-paced society.

And the beauty of meditation is that you don’t need to dedicate hours of your day toward practice in order to experience its benefits. According to research, even a few minutes of daily meditation can make a significant impact on your overall well-being! This is great news, as meditation is an accessible and achievable modality that is beneficial for any and everyone –—no matter if you’re an intimidated beginner or an experienced practitioner.

That said, you may be wondering exactly how much meditation you need to do each day to experience its benefits. And you’ve come to the right place!

Ahead, learn how many minutes of meditation per day is needed for maximum gain, and how this simple practice can truly transform your life.

How Daily Meditation Can Change Your Life 

First, let’s talk about why you should meditate in the first place.

Sure, we’ve all heard time and time again that meditation can improve our mental and physical health, but what does that really mean? Well, studies have shown that regular meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being. Not to mention, meditation has been shown to improve cognitive function, including attention, memory, and creativity.

And while that’s undoubtedly impressive, the benefits of meditation go beyond just physical and mental health. Meditation can also help us develop greater self-awareness, compassion, and empathy towards ourselves and others. In turn, this can help us foster self-love, which has been shown to improve mental health and confidence, attract positive relationships into our lives, and make healthier lifestyle choices. 

Plus, by training our minds to focus on the present moment, we can develop a greater sense of clarity and perspective, allowing us to better navigate life’s challenges, maintain a more positive outlook, and be more resilient.

The most impressive part? We can reap the many benefits of this ancient practice and improve our overall quality of life by taking just a few minutes each day to show up for ourselves and focus on our breath.

How Many Minutes of Meditation Per Day to See Benefits?

If sitting in an hour-long meditation practice seems intimidating and unachievable, you’ll be happy to know a minimum of just 15 minutes can benefit your mind and body greatly! It’s true, according to research, as little as 15 minutes of daily meditation can help reduce stress, improve focus and attention, boost mood, and enhance overall well-being. And if you struggle with a “wandering mind,” even just 10 minutes could help improve your focus and quiet internal worries, especially for anxious individuals. 

The best part? When practiced regularly, there’s evidence to suggest the benefits last long-term. In a 3-year follow-up study on meditation for patients with chronic stress and anxiety, nearly 70% of participants maintained reduced levels of stress and anxiety following a long-term mindfulness meditation intervention. 

However, it’s important to note that the benefits of meditation increase with the amount of time spent meditating! So, while 10 or 15 minutes is a great starting point, gradually increasing your meditation time (as you get more comfortable) can only enhance your practice.

Keep Building Your Meditation Practice 

Maintaining consistency in your meditation practice is a crucial aspect! Just like any other skill, the more you meditate, the more you will benefit from its effects (with things such as reduced stress and improved sleep).

Try On Different Styles of Meditation

And the good news is that there are many different styles of meditation to choose from (including mindfulness meditation, yoga nidra, and visualization meditation). So, if you’ve tried meditation and felt like “it wasn’t for you,” don’t stop there! It’s important to try out different styles and find the one that resonates most.

Here are some common meditation types:

  • Visualization meditation 
  • Mindfulness meditation 
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Walking meditation
  • Guided meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Yoga meditation 
  • Breathing meditation

RELATED: A Meditation For Whatever You’re Feeling Right Now

Experiment With Time

Experimenting with different lengths of time is a great way to build your meditation practice too! Maybe you start with 10-15 minutes and add on an extra minute or two once you feel comfortable with that amount of time. Or, maybe you try out different times for various styles. For example, maybe 10 minutes feels like enough time during a morning mantra meditation, but before bed, a 20-minute guided yoga nidra meditation feels attainable for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment! It’s all about finding what works best for you, your schedule, and your lifestyle.

Ready to meditate? Here are various types of meditations to help you get started! Oh, and they’re 15 minutes or less!

Unlocking The Power of Meditation: How Just 15 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life

While 15 minutes may not seem like a lot of time, it just goes to show you what even a few minutes of focused breathing and relaxation can do for your mind and body! From reducing stress and anxiety to improving resilience and benefiting sleep, meditation is a powerful tool that can transform your life in various ways. So, give these tips and FitOn meditations a try. And don’t be afraid to gradually increase your meditation time or try something new! While it can feel uncomfortable to get outside our comfort zone and try on a new experience, you never know what you might discover (or fall in love with).

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Discover Inner Peace in Just 8 Minutes With This Easy Meditation Technique https://fitonapp.com/wellness/inner-peace-meditation/ Mon, 08 May 2023 13:32:34 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=86148 Stuck in a rut of negative thoughts? Transform your mind in just 8 minutes!

The post Discover Inner Peace in Just 8 Minutes With This Easy Meditation Technique appeared first on FitOn - #1 Free Fitness App, Stop Paying for Home Workouts.

Let’s face it, finding a moment of peace and calm can feel like an impossible task. But, even on the busiest of days, we can all find a few minutes to spare! Because the thing is, taking those few minutes to sit down and practice a mind-body technique like meditation can have a profound impact on your well-being. In fact, when practiced consistently, research has shown that even short bouts of meditation (15 minutes or less) can significantly benefit your health, improving things such as inflammation, sleep, stress, anxiety, and even mental health.

That said, despite the many mental and physical benefits of meditation, many people struggle to find the time or motivation to meditate regularly. That’s where this 8-Minute Self Compassion meditation comes in! With this simple technique, you can learn to quiet your mind, become more mindful, and cultivate self-love and compassion.

So take a deep breath, find a comfortable seat, and join us as we break down this simple meditation, step by step. Plus, gain insight on the transformative benefits and learn why you should get started!

Cultivating Self-Compassion: What to Expect From This 8-Minute Inner Peace Meditation

Feeling stressed? Ruminating over a past or future event? Struggling with relationship issues? This simple self-compassion meditation may be just the thing you need. During this 8-minute practice, learn how to become a little easier on yourself through a practice of self-forgiveness. 

3-Steps to Finding Self-Love

With guidance and support, learn how to show yourself kindness so you can navigate whatever you’re going through, without judgment.

During this inner peace meditation, you’ll be guided through three different phrases that will help you cultivate compassion and love during periods of stress or anxiety.

This includes:

  • Acknowledging your pain or suffering (in a way that feels safe and manageable) 
  • Realizing you’re not alone in your emotions or experiences
  • Learning how to support and bring kindness to yourself with simple tools (like breathing and affirmations) that you can implement into your everyday life. 

The best part? This meditation can be practiced anytime, anywhere!

How a Daily Meditation Practice Can Improve Your Well-Being (In Less Than 10 Minutes!)

The science speaks for itself! Based on research, here are the benefits of this short and simple self-kindness meditation:

Best of all, according to research, even just a few minutes can make a profound difference on your health and wellbeing. And, when practiced consistently, the benefits are long-lasting. 

Other Tips To Cultivate Self-Compassion

  • Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself as you would a close friend who is going through a tough time. How would you show up for them? What would you say to them?
  • Focus on your positive qualities and attributes (vs. dwelling on your mistakes)
  • Set realistic expectations and goals (and celebrate your progress along the way!)
  • Prioritize self-care, filling your day and week with things that bring you joy and relaxation (such as time with loved ones or time in nature)
  • Set healthy boundaries 
  • Challenge negative self-talk (and replace it with positive affirmations)
  • Prioritize daily movement 
  • Spend time in nature and soak in daily sunshine 
  • Take every mistake as a learning opportunity 
  • Practice daily gratitude 

The Road to Inner Peace Starts Here!

By acknowledging and releasing our suffering, realizing that we are not alone in our emotions or experiences, and learning how to bring kindness to ourselves, we can reduce stress, anxiety, and physical pain. Not to mention, reduce self-criticism and negative self-talk while also improving mental health, social connection, and positive relationships and emotions.

That said, learning a new skill takes time — self-compassion included. But, adopting a consistent practice and pressing play on this 8-minute inner peace meditation is a great place to start. And don’t forget about other simple hacks like prioritizing self-care, setting healthy boundaries, and spending time in nature! When it comes to self-love, it all adds up. So take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’ve got this!

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9 Mediterranean Lifestyle Habits That Are Just As Important As Diet https://fitonapp.com/wellness/mediterranean-lifestyle-habits/ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 16:57:34 +0000 https://fitonapp.com/?p=85624 Discover the power of balance: Integrating Mediterranean habits for optimal wellbeing

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The Mediterranean diet continues to be ranked the best overall diet year after year and comes with plenty of research to back up why it’s such a healthy way to eat. However, while the Mediterranean diet gets most of the credit for promoting health and longevity, it is only one part of the bigger picture. Other lifestyle habits practiced in this region play an equally important role in contributing to overall wellbeing. Ahead, learn about 9 Mediterranean lifestyle habits that go hand in hand with diet to boost your health and quality of life.

RELATED: Mediterranean Diet 101

9 Mediterranean Lifestyle Habits to Support Wellbeing

#1 Active Living

Physical activity is a cornerstone of the Mediterranean lifestyle. Whether it’s walking, cycling, swimming, or participating in local sports, staying active is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

#2 Emphasis on Family and Social Connections

Mediterranean cultures prioritize spending time with family and friends. Strong social connections are associated with increased happiness and better mental health, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.

#3 Eating Mindfully

The Mediterranean way of eating is not just about what you eat, but also how you eat. Meals are savored and enjoyed slowly, allowing for mindful eating and better digestion.

#4 Work-Life Balance

Mediterranean cultures value a balanced life, ensuring that work does not consume all their time and energy. Taking time for oneself and nurturing personal interests helps reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

#5 Generous Use of Olive Oil

Olive oil is a staple in the Mediterranean diet, offering numerous health benefits due to its high content of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It is also used for skin and hair care, contributing to a healthy glow.

#6 Regular Siestas

In many Mediterranean countries, afternoon naps or “siestas” are a common practice. Siestas provide an opportunity for rest and rejuvenation, which can help reduce stress and improve cognitive function.

#7 Seasonal and Local Foods

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes fresh, locally sourced, and seasonal produce. Eating in this way not only supports local farmers and economies but also ensures that you consume nutrient-rich foods at their peak.

RELATED: What is Seasonal Eating + 3 Impressive Benefits

#8 Embracing Nature

Mediterranean cultures have a deep connection to the natural world. Spending time outdoors and engaging with nature contributes to improved mental health, reduced stress, and a greater appreciation for the environment.

RELATED: The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Bringing Your Workouts Outdoors

#9 Focus on Happiness and Mental Wellbeing

The Mediterranean lifestyle highlights the importance of mental health and overall happiness. Engaging in activities that bring joy, fostering positive relationships, and maintaining a positive outlook on life are key aspects of this lifestyle.

The Mediterranean Lifestyle For Enhanced Health and Longevity

The Mediterranean lifestyle is more than just a healthy diet; it’s a holistic approach to living that encompasses various habits, all working together to create a balanced and fulfilling life. By incorporating these 9 Mediterranean habits into your daily routine, you can unlock the secret to a healthier, happier life.

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